

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

The month of February was mixed of Joy, Happiness and Emotionsas we celebrated Love and Happiness,and at the same time we also remembered the martyrs of Pulwama with utmost respect.In this month of March, we celebrate International Women’s Day, Holi, GudiPadwa/ Ugadi and Ram Navami. So let’s keep the happiness high around us.

On the Occasion of International Women’s Day we join the nation to celebrate the historic win of the Indian Women’s U-19 Cricket Team to bring the U-19 Women Cricket World Cup home. We are also proud that India has taken over the Presidency for the first time of the G20 forum in 2023, and will lead the world in policy building and co-operation. It is indeed a path breaking moment for all of us.

‘Alone we can do little, together we can do so much’. Investing in the connection among team members increases productivity and reduces risk as team work begins with building trust.In this March 2023 edition of our magazine we will talk about ‘Team Work’ under ‘Nurture your talent’ series and will showcase why working as a team is important for ourselves as well as our colleagues’ career growth.

In this edition we have included some great videos in our section ‘Hot Shots’ which will surely will make you smile. Keep Smiling ☺.

We are proud of our country diversity and to showcase the same. In this edition we will take you all to the Steel Capital of East India - ‘Durgapur’- under ‘My City My Place’ series. Besides famous steel plants, Durgapur is a blend of beautiful temples and tourist spots.Let’stake a tour of this beautiful place in West Bengal and know more about it.

We would like to thank you all for your participation in SpicyReflection Quiz and also would like to congratulate Mr. Hari Prasad from Bangalore team for winning the SpicyReflection Quiz (February 2023 Edition). We wish all the best to all the other participants for our March 2023 Quiz.

‘Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful’ and with our ‘Smile Campaign’ we have created moments of happiness within our team and with our customers. Let us all focus in keeping the happiness quotient high for all our team members as well as for our passengers. We need to continue our focus on service with Eye Contact, Smiles and Greetings at all the customer touch points. We congratulate each one of you for your great efforts. Please keep it up!

We are sure you will enjoy this edition of SpicyReflection filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts. Please do share your feedback / ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page “SpicyReflection” on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Play Holi with Colors and Joy, Responsibly!!

Keep Reading and Sharing!!

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Propel your carrier with ‘Team Work’

One cannot work alone in any organization and thus teams are formed where individuals work together for a common objective. In a team; everyone has to work equally for the maximum output.

The sum of the efforts undertaken by each team member for the achievement of the team’s objective is called team work. In other words, team work is the backbone of any team.

Every member in a team has to perform and contribute in their best possible way to achieve a common predefined goal. Individual performances do not count in a team and it is the collective performance of the team workers which matters the most.

Meaning of ‘Team Work’

Team work is the collective effort of each and every team member to achieve their assigned goal. No member can afford to sit back and expect the other members to perform on their behalf.

Teamwork means combined effort by people who have a common purpose of achieving the same goal. Every company consists of teams that work together to achieve the goals of the organization.

In teamwork, there is less focus on ‘I’ attitude and more focus on ‘us’ attitude. There is a common approach among team members.

In a team, everyone is allowed to voice their opinions. They need proper communication and cooperation. Without this, a team will struggle to work collaboratively.

Importance of Team and Team Work

Teams are formed when individuals with a common taste, preference, liking, and attitude come and work together for a common goal. Teams play a very important role in organizations as well as our personal lives.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”-Henry Ford

The above quote by Henry Ford can very well highlight the importance of working together in teams.

Every employee is dependent on their fellow employees to work together and contribute efficiently towards the organization. No employee can work alone; each person has to take the help of theircolleagues to accomplish the tasks efficiently.

✈ Organizations with clearly defined teams are more successful as compared to those with a one person show.

✈ Team work is essential in corporates for better output and a better bonding among employees.

✈ A single brain can’t always come up with all the solutions or take decisions alone. In a team, every team member has an equal contribution and each team member comes out with a solution best suited to the problem as per their thinking. All the alternatives can be explored to come out with the best possible solution. Thoughts can be discussed amongst the team members, and the pros and cons can be evaluated to arrive to the best decision in the interest of the organization.

✈ Tasks are accomplished at a faster pace when it is done by a team rather than an individual.

✈ When employees work together, they start helping each other, and responsibilities are shared. Thus it reduces the work load and work pressure.

✈ Work never suffers or takes a backseat in a team.

✈ In a team, the other team members can perform and manage the work in the absence of any member and hence work is not affected much.

✈ There is always a healthy competition among the team members. Competition is always good for the employee as well as the organization as every individual feels motivated to perform better than theirother team member, and in a way contributes to the team and the organization.

✈ Team work is also important to improve the relations among the employees. Individuals work in close coordination with each other and thus come to know each other better.

✈ Team work reduces the chances of unnecessary conflicts among the employees and every individual tries theirlevel best to support theirteam members. The level of bonding increases as a result of team work.

✈ Team members can also gain from each other. Every individual is different and has some unique qualities. One can always benefit something or the other from theirteam members which would help them in the long run.

✈ It strengthens the bond among the employees and the targets can be met at a faster pace. Workload is shared and individuals feel motivated to perform better than theirteam members.

Steps for a better team work

Think about your team first - Every individual should think of theirteam first and their own personal interests should take a backseat. Do not mix your personal issues with your professional life. Keep them separate.

Never underestimate your team member - Do not neglect any of the members, instead work together and also listen to them as well. Never try to impose your ideas on any member. Avoid demotivating any team member.

Discuss - Before implementing any new idea, it must be discussed with each and every member on an open platform. Never ever discuss with anyone separately as the other persons feel left out and reluctant to perform and contribute to the team.

Avoid criticism - Stay away from criticism and making fun of your team members. Help each other and be a good team player. Be the first one to break the ice and always create a friendly ambience. If you do not agree with any of your team members, make them understand their mistakes but in a polite tone and guide them. Avoid negativity within the team.

Transparency - Itmust be maintained and healthy interaction must be promoted among the team members. The communication must be effective, crystal clear and precise so that every team member gets a common picture. Effective communication also nullifies misunderstandings and confusions. Confusions lead to conflicts and individuals waste their time and energy in fighting rather than working.

Encourage and Take Responsibility - The team leader must take the responsibility of encouraging the team members to give their level best and should intervene immediately in cases of conflicts.

Avoid conflicts in your team - Don’t fight over petty issues or find faults in others. One should be a little adjusting with each other and try to find an alternative best suited to all the team members and the organisation. Don’t provoke any colleague to fight with their fellow team members. Intervene immediately in case of conflicts and try to resolve it as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety. Do not spread rumours about anyone and avoid blaming and cribbing. Discuss issues face to face and learn to own your mistakes.

Rewards and Recognition - Healthy competition must be encouraged among the team members. The performance of every team member must be evaluated timely and the best performer should be rewarded suitably so that the other members also get motivated to perform. Recognitions like “The Best Team Player” or the “The Best Performer” go a long way in motivating the team members. Appreciate the member who performs the best or does something unique.

Motivation is the key to a team’s success. Demotivated individuals find it very difficult to concentrate on their work and eventually lose interest in the organization.

The goal must be clearly set and circulated among the team members. Every team member should be well aware of their roles and responsibilities in the team. There should be no confusions among the team members

Delegate responsibilities as per the team member’s interest and specializations. Understand your team members well and assign them work they can best perform. Never be partial to any of your team members. Do not support anyone just because they are a friend.

Don’t Insult your team member - Never shout or scold any of your team members in front of everyone. Always do it in private. Appreciate them whenever they have done something extraordinary.

Prefer communication through emails among your team members. Encourage your team members to exchange information through emails as it is more transparent and gives a clearer picture. Everyone knows what is happening in their team and don’t feel neglected or left out.

A team leader alone should not take any decisions. Suggestions should be invited from one and all. Strategies or policies must be made on an open forum and everyone must give their inputs. A team member should never feel unimportant for the team at any point of time.

Take them out for lunches or dinners once in a while to understand your team members well. If not outside, try to have your lunch together with your team members at the workplace itself. Discuss issues other than work at the lunch time. Enquire about their family members, friends, relatives, parents and so on. Give your team members sometime to discuss things freely among themselves.It improves the relations and strengthens the bond among the team members. The team members must trust each other for maximum output.

Be Understanding. It is okay if your team member leaves for the day a little early once in a while as compared to other days if it does not impact the organisation negatively. Don’t be too harsh on your team members. Allow them to take leaves in case of genuine reasons. Don’t adopt a dictatorial approach at work. Be a little more understanding.

Set a target for your team members and ask them to achieve the targets within a stipulated time frame. Let your team member’s work as per their convenience. Give them space and liberty to work on their own and submit it as per the deadlines.

Send motivational emails or SMS’s to boost their morale. Paste a poster on motivational thoughts or great quotes on the soft board right at their workstations for them to read daily and get inspired.

Performance reviews and appraisals are a must. Do monitor your teams and team member’s performance. Sit with them once in a week and discuss issues, if they have and findout whether they are satisfied with their profiles or not. Timely appraisals are important for growth of the team members and to motivate them.

Be a little cooperative with your team. Make them feel that you are just one of them and always there to support them. One needs to be intelligent and patient enough to not only handle a team but also to extract the best out of team members.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” - Michael Jordan (former American basketball player, businessman and majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats)

“The strength of the team is each individual member...the strength of each member is the team.” - Phil Jackson (widely considered one of the greatest coaches in the history of the NBA)

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller (American author, political activist, lecturer, and the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.)


Mr. Brijendra Singh Sinsinwar
(Deputy General Manager – Ground Services)

Pulse of Wisdom

Road to Success - Happiness

There are many different ways to get to success. Some people have a natural talent for it, while others work hard and dedicate themselves to achieve their goals. I believe that everyone has the ability to succeed in life, but not everyone is willing or able to do so. Success is defined as achieving one’s goals and aspirations in life, which can be achieved by anyone who puts their mind to it.

There are many different ways to define success, but there is only one definition that matters most – the definition of happiness. Successful people have a certain way of thinking about life and themselves, which separates them from others who are not as successful in life. The key traits of those who have achieved success are intelligence, perseverance, determination and ambition.

Successful people tend to be happier than unsuccessful people because successful people know that hard work pays off, while unsuccessful people tend to blame others for their failures instead of taking responsibility for themselves. People who are happy tend to be healthier than those who always blame others for their downfall.

When you have reached your goal, take time to enjoy it and thank those that helped you in achieving it. Think about what you enjoyed and learned along the way.

So now, what is your next goal going to be?

Hot Shots

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly

To see an aircraft fly is a wonderful and an amazing sight. Asmall metal piece thrown in air is not able to sustain itself in air, while an aircraft which is made of tons of metal flies safely every day.

This miraculous feat has been achieved by learning and implementing some principles of flying inspired by mother nature. After all,it’s a mother who teaches a child to walk and be strong.

The birds are core motivation behind the dream to fly.

Humans learnt that there are a four forces which act on a flying object. These forces are inter related and opposing.Weight of the object is opposed by the lift while thrust is opposed by drag.

Let’s understand them one by one:

1. Weight: it is the basic nature of anything which has mass. The gravity pulls the mass towards the center of Earth and that’s the reason that if anything is thrown up, it comes down (if no external force is applied), as there is a downward force acting on the object.

2. Lift: It is the upward force generated by wings when air passes from above and below the wings. We can study more about it if we understand Bernoulli’s principle.

3. Thrust: It is the forward force provided by engines or a power source to keep the object moving forward.

4. Drag: It is the naturally opposing force to trust. It is produced when an object moved through a liquid or fluid medium.

These forces (Weight and Lift, Thrust and Drag) when in a balance makes the object stay balanced in air. Any force which is more than the opposing force will dis-balance the stable state to make the object behave the way thelarger force wants it to. If weight is more than lift, then the object will move towards ground and if the lift is more than the weight, it will fly higher. If the thrust is more than drag, the object will accelerate, and if the drag is more object, it will slow down.

Let’s watch a few videos to understand how the four forces act on an aircraft.

In the next edition we will study about the most important principle which provides the lift to an aircraft………

By: Pradyumna Sharma

Spicy Talents

Mr. Sarvar Bhat (Support Staff – SXR)

Here is a real short story about Mr. Sarvar Sultan from a remote village Khag Budgam working with the SpiceJet Team at Srinagar. It is very interesting and inspiring!

Sarvar is a 25 year old young man from a remote village of Khag Budgam, a village in Jammu & Kashmir. Unfortunately, an early age of 8 he lost of his mother, and at the age of 16 he lost his father.In those adverse conditions somehow he completed his 10th and 12thfrom Khag Budgam HR.Secondary School.Then he went for Civil Engineering Entrance Examination were he qualified the test and got selected in Leh division.During this period due to harsh weather conditions of Ladakh his health got affected and he went into Coma for 14 days .While recovering he got interest in Martial Arts and he decided to indulge himself in these activities, though since childhood he was very much interested in extracurricular activities he started practicing under the mentorship of Mohsin Academy to overcome the health trauma which he faced during his illness.

During this period of time the Mohsin Academy selected him for district level Tae kwondo and Pencak Silat by seeing his interest and capabilities in Martial Arts where he achieved Gold and Silver Medals.Other than these two games he is interested in Cricket,Woo show,kick boxing, weight lifting and UFC (type of Martial Art).He is also a selected player in State Cricket Team,state woo show team and state jiu Jitsu team.He has also played national level Arena championship in indoor stadium Jammu & Kashmir.

His achievements also includes Runner-up in Kho Kho 2009 by department of youth service and support Jammu &Kashmir.He has a certificate in Pencak Silat in 2002, Certificate in Symposium in HIV AIDS by Government of India, Field Publicity, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

During the pandemic, he filled a form of COVID frontline worker sampling collection support where he got selected and completed his diploma.Then he joined the gene strings Lab at Airport for sampling through NSDC Skills India.

Since 21 Jan 2022, being a part of SpiceJet Team, he is serving the Airlines with his full dedications and getting full support from his team for playing his upcoming State Level Games.

Spicy Talents

Gaurav Prashant Bhosale (GWL)

20th October, 1989; that was the day when Mr. Prashant & Mrs. Ratnaprabha Bhosale were blessed with a son. Few months later, time came to name the child and after many discussions among relatives, family members and the parents, the child was named “Gaurav”. Gaurav means Pride, Grace (respect), Dignity, Prestige. Time passed by and the child grew up in the care and love of the parents. Being born in a Christian family,he was taught all the religious things which every child must know for his / her spiritual growth. Gaurav’s childhood was full of struggle, ups and downs as his parents were serving an NGO with less income but Gaurav got every toy, every dress, and every chocolate which he asked from his parents. Thank you mummy and Daddy.

24th June 1993; that was the day when Gaurav entered a building named as Manorama Memorial English Medium School and began his education journey as a Kindergarten student.Two years passed by and Gaurav completed his Kindergarten journey. It was now the time to change the school and many thoughts ran in the little mind of Gaurav. Many questions began to rotate in the head like “Naya school kaisa hoga”? “Naye teachers kaise honge”? Finally, the day came where Gaurav and his parents moved to the new school.

24th June, 1995:- The day of interview with the Principal of St. Sebastian High School. Many questions, thoughts were still moving in the little head of Gaurav. Gaurav got through with the interview and he started his school journey where the teachers shaped the character and life of Gaurav to step onto the ladder of success. Ten years went by and finally on 24 June, 2005 with a heavy heart, tears in eyes Gaurav said goodbye to school, Teachers & Non - teaching Staff as well as classmates. This was the day Gaurav passed his SSC exams. Gaurav was a bright, well disciplined, obedient student. Even the teachers too were sad that Gaurav was leaving their school for his new journey in life. It is said, “Good citizens of a country are shaped in a classroom of a school.” Gaurav was fond of cricket but he never got selected in the School’s Cricket team because he was a bookish kid. He always scored good grades in his school exams.

11th July, 2005:-The day when Gaurav began his college life in Class 11th as a junior College Science student. College means time to enjoy, learn with fun, freedom to bunk lectures but Gaurav had a different approach towards college life. Gaurav was still well organized in his college life as he was in his school days. He used to be well groomed even in his college days as he used to be in his school days; neat and clean well ironed uniform, well combed hair, well-polished shoes. This was the time for Gaurav to make decision to choose a stream for his next exam i.e HSC and he passed his HSC exams on 08th June, 2007. It was time to say goodbye again to the teachers, friends and classmates and move ahead for next journey ahead. After completing HSC what next was the thought in Gaurav’s mind. Many options were there to start but finally Gaurav chose to start his career with Aviation.

01st July, 2007:- This was the day where Gaurav took admission in Avalon Aviation Academy, Pune to start his aviation journey on which he opted Diploma Course in Aviation and Ground Services. Time passed by and Gaurav passed this course on 09th March, 2008. He was chosen by the institute for 3 months Internship program at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai where has was given stipend with accommodation and transport facilities too. After completion of Internship, Gaurav started to hunt for jobs but he was not getting any jobs in aviation as he was only 12th pass student. A young boy of 20, Gaurav was much tensed, worried about how to start a job in aviation, whom to approach?, which airlines to look out for a job? So many questions were going on in his young mind. On 24 August,2008 at Pune Airport there was interview scheduled of IndiGo Airlines. There were around 100 young candidates Gaurav appeared for the interview and he got through it. Finally,as per the saying,”Koshish karne walo ki kabhi haar nahi hoti”, Gaurav got selected with IndiGo Airlines as a Trainee Security in the Security Department. There were tears of joy rolling down through the eyes of Gaurav. He went back home happily and shared the news of his selection in IndiGo Airlines. Every member of his family were happy too.

09th September,2011:-The day when Gaurav woke up in the morning and was excited that he is going for office at Airport. It was like dream come true for him.When he entered the Airport, it was such a great feeling and moment of joy,a new journey was about to begin. Since then till date,Gaurav is still in Aviation. Aviation became his passion, dedication and zeal to perform his duties, tasks assigned to him. There were many ups and downs in the life of Gaurav as he was working with IndiGo. Gaurav saw moments of success as well as experienced bitter failure situations. The only thing kept Gaurav sustained until date in Aviation is positiveness. Gaurav fulfilled his roles & responsibilities, duties faithfully and worked hard irrespective of any shifts. Finally, the day came where Gaurav was promoted as Executive Security in IndiGo. The dedication and hard work of Gaurav had paid off which resulted in his first promotion of his professional growth. There was a phase where Gaurav committed many mistakes during his tenure with IndiGo. He was scolded, was issued with caution letters, he wrote many explanation letters but still Gaurav did not go in negativity.

There were many things going in the mind of Gaurav that how to curtail the mistakes but no solution was coming up. Gaurav decided to change the organization and finally on 25th June,2017, Gaurav quit IndiGo Airlines and there was a phase where Gaurav was about to stop his journey in Aviation but resistance and “Never Quit” attitude encouraged Gaurav to continue his journey in Aviation. Meanwhile Gaurav appeared for the interview with Jet Airways and here also Gaurav got selected with Jet Airways as a Security Assistant on 24 July, 2017.

01st August,2017:- A new beginning with a new air carrier with lots of new things, new staffs, New seniors, new work environment but the work location was the same - Pune Airport. This journey with Jet Airways was a short one as Jet airways was shut down entirely in April 2019.What next?How to survive ahead in Aviation? What to do next? Whether to continue aviation or to join some other work field? These questions were running down in the mind of Gaurav. Finally,Gaurav appeared for the third time in his career for interview with SpiceJet on 28thApril, 2019.

It was not long that Gaurav got selected with SpiceJet Airlines, as a Security Executive. He was expecting that he would get location as Pune but he was asked to move to Gwalior before 30 April, 2019. The name of Gwalior was read and gone through in school days of Gaurav during his history lessons were being taught; but now the situation was very different. There were a few questions were going on in Gaurav’s mind like Gwalior, ye city India ke kaunse area mein aata hai? What about my accommodation? Whom will I report? What about my food provision? What will be the mode of transportation to office? What type of Aircraft will I work on?

29th April 2019:- Gaurav began his journey towards Gwalior. Firstly, he boarded flight from Pune to Delhi then from Delhi Airport till Nizamuddin railway station, Gaurav went by OLA cab, still those questions were going in the mind and finally he boarded the train to Gwalior at 0430 am in the morning. In the afternoon, at 1330 hrs. Gaurav entered the Gwalior Airport. Since that day and till date, the journey with SpiceJet is a combination of good and bad memories, ups and downs, success and failures. The working atmosphere at SpiceJet is very different from IndiGo, Jet Airways as SpiceJet is a young airlines, and many new things came in front of Gaurav. He was appointed as HR SPOC after his 3 months of joining with SpiceJet. Few months later, Gaurav’s performance was on a high level. Things were going good until when his past life memories were being reflected in his work performance. Failure and mistakes started to surround him as a result, his performance was getting effected.

There was incident where Gaurav almost lost his job and his career was about to end but, he had hope that “All will be well again.”and it went well again. One day after flight departure, there was a discussion held with APM sir and Security Incharge sir in which it was decided that there needs to be some sort of Motivational sessions for staff that had to be conducted by Gaurav in every 15 days. This thing was implemented with immediate effect. Gaurav started to conduct Motivational sessions with SpiceJet staff at Gwalior Airport as well as with the CISF staff to keep staff motivated at workplace. From being a shy person,Gaurav became a motivational speaker at Gwalior Airport. In spite of all negative things, which were happening in his life, Gaurav still stands tall and has a smile always on his face.

Q1 What motivated Gaurav to be a Motivational Speaker?
Ans:-Positive attitude, accepting failures positively, accepting mistakes

Q2 What motivates Gaurav?
1. My mentor Ms Ranjana Ma’am who was not my teacher academically but her positive attitude, passion towards her field of teaching motivates Gaurav.
2. Music:- There are variations in music same life has variations; sometimes success and sometimes failure, sometimes joy and sometimes sorrow, sometimes height of success and sometimes deep valley of failures.
3. Strong will power to move ahead in life.

Q3 How was journey in Aviation from 2011 till date?
Many ups and downs, many happy moments and many sad moments but the hope to make my passion i.e. Aviation more strong. Gaurav has seen failures closely and worked on it.

In the end, I want to encourage my readers that Never lose hope and Never give up because zeal and hope never fade away.

Story narrated by:-

Gaurav Prashant Bhosale
Senior Security Executive
SpiceJet – GWL

My City My Place

Durgapur History -Initially the place was called Gopinathpur Mouza, but later the locals changed its name to Durgapur, in memory of the immense contribution made by Durgacharan Chattopadhyay for the place. It is believed that he had constructed a Kali temple and a Shiva temple somewhere in the nineteenth century.

Introduction -Durgapur is a planned tier-II urban agglomeration and a major industrial city in Paschim Bardhaman district in the Indian state of West Bengal.

Durgapur Known as the “Steel Capital of East India”, Durgapur gracefully blends its small-town life into metro-worthy energy.

Industrialization -Durgapur is the only city in eastern India to have an operational dry dock.

Durgapur has been nicknamed the 'Ruhr of India'. In Durgapur 'Durgapur Steel Plant' is one of the integrated steel plants of Steel Authority of India Limited, located in Durgapur, in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal. It was set up with the help of United Kingdom and Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL). It was set up with British collaboration in 1959 with 1 Million Tonne per Annum (MTPA) crude steel production capacity.

Culture -The city of Durgapur is located in the district of Bardhaman, which is in the state of West Bengal. Therefore Durgapur is largely predominant in Bengali culture, as in the other parts of the state. The culture is steeped in rich music, literature, movies, and of course delicious and mouth-watering cuisine.

Food of Durgapur - For the experimental kinds, the place has numerous Indian, Chinese and Continental places. But if you want to have the complete Bengali experience then you must try dishes like an eggroll, Fish curry, Chicken Kasha, Mutton Kasha, Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Biryani, Bengali Fish Fry, Puri Chole and Chum Chum. The best part of being in a place like Durgapur is that you get to relish on a diverse range of flavours from spicy eastern chillies to the sweet forever 'roshogulla'. The best place to try authentic Bengali street food is Bidhannagar where several vendors are serving Kathi rolls.

Near by Places -

Durgapur Steel Plant : Durgapur Steel Plant is one of the integrated steel plants of Steel Authority of India Limited , located in Durgapur , in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal .

Bishnupur : During the seventeenth century, the art of terracotta reached its highest peak. Raja Jagat Malla and his descendants built numerous temples made of terracotta and stone art. Plan your holiday destination in this serene place that is world-famous for its 'Baluchari' saree and various forms of artifacts..Bishnupur is only 85 km from KNI Airport.

Santiniketan : Shantiniketan, a veritable abode of peace and tranquility, is famous for the world renowned Viswa Bharati University founded by Rabindranath Tagore in 1921. The university has a unique setting for imparting education, with classes held in the open. Santiniketan is only 75 km from KNI Airport.

Mukutmanipur : It is an ideal getaway where the second largest earthen dam in India is surrounded by mysterious hillocks like a crown or “Mukut”. Nestled at the confluence of two rivers, it is famous for its necklace shaped dam in the green wrapped “Rangamati”.

Durgapur Barrage : One of the prime attractions of the city, the barrage is built to control the overflowing Damodar River in the monsoons. The barrage also connects Durgapur with Bankura.This is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Durgapur. This structure keeps the flow of River Damodar, notorious as 'Sorrow of Bengal'.

Maithon : The Maithon Dam is located at Maithon, 48km from Dhanbad, in the state of Jharkhand India. It is at distance ofonly 55kms away from KNI Airport.

By: Team Dharamshala

Ms. Reshma Sohoni
(Station Manager – Ahmedabad)

Ram Navami

Rama Navami is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of God Vishnu. The festival celebrates the descent of God Vishnu on earth in the Rama Avatar, through his birth to King Dasharatha and Queen Kausalya, in Ayodhya. The birthday falls on the ninth day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of Chaitra (Vasanta) Navaratri , the first month in the Hindu calendar.

The significance of the festival is that it indicates the victory of Good over Evil and establishment of Dharma over Adharma. The Rama Navami festival celebration starts with Jalam (water) offering in the early morning to Surya (the Sun God) to please him. This is due to the belief that the descendants of Surya were the ancestors of Lord Rama. Hence, praying to the Sun at the beginning of that day to seek the blessing of supreme power is auspicious.

Important celebrations on this day take place at Ayodhya and numerous Rama temples all over India. Chariot procession is an indispensable part of Ram Navami festival. Rathayatras, the chariot processions, of Rama, Sita, his brother Lakshmana and Hanuman, are taken out at several places. In Ayodhya, many take a dip in the sacred river Sarayu and then visit the Rama temple. It is believed that this holy bath purifies the body and soul.

Devotees of Rama celebrate the day by singing devotional songs, listening to Ram Katha and the epic Ramayana which narrates the story of Lord Rama. People participate in recitations from religious books, chanting of Vedic hymns, Bhajans and Kirtans, with music as a part of Puja and Aarti. Charitable events and community meals are also organized. Followers of Lord Rama also keep a fast for the whole day. At the end of the day, devotees break the fast after having fruits and sweets.

These celebration occurs with a lot of joy and offering of prayers. The festival is an occasion for moral reflection and makes people aware about the difference between right and wrong. The life of Lord Ram is an eternal, universal message of victory of Dharma over Adarma (Good over Evil).

Mr. Ashish Gupta
(Senior Manager – Ground Services)

The Celebration of Holi

Holi is the festival of colours which is celebrated as an ancient India tradition with great fervor and vivacity not only in India but all across the world. It is one of the of the most popular festivals in India. This colorful and joyous festival is celebrated by all classes or society, rich or poor, with great enthusiasm since time immemorial. It is a festival of unity as it brings people together to celebrate the festival regardless of caste or ethnicity.

Holi celebrations are also known as the Festival of Colours, the Festival of Spring, and the Festival of Love. Holi celebrates the arrival of summer in India, the end of winter, the blossoming of love and for many, it is a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships. The festival is also an invocation for a good spring harvest season.

Particularly, traditional Holi of Vrindavan, Mathura or Braj Bhumi is very famous. Holi in Vrindavan, Mathura and Barsana is visited by a number of people from all over the world.

Holi is celebrated for two days in India on the full moon day in March. The celebrations start on the night before Holi on the “Purnima” (Full Moon Day) with a Holika Dahan, also known as or Chhoti Holi where people gather, perform religious rituals in front of a bonfire, and pray that their internal evil be destroyed the way Holika, the sister of the demon king Hiranyakashipu, was killed in the fire. Hence, the celebration of Holi has been a mark of triumph of God over Evil. This is also a reason for burning of wooden sticksin the shape of a bonfire on Choti Holi, which is called “Holika Dahan”.

The next morning is celebrated as Rangwali Holi (Dhuleti) where people smear and drench each other with colours. Holi is known by different names in different part of the country like Rangwali Holi, Dol Purnima, Dhuleti, Dhulandi, Ukuli, Manjal Kuli, Yaosang, Shigmo, Phagwah or Jajiri.

People of all ages gather together to play with colours called Gulal and coloured water called Dulahandi. Water guns and water-filled balloons are often used to play and colour each other, with anyone and anyplace being considered fair game to color. Groups often carry drums and other musical instruments going from place to place singing and dancing. Throughout the day people visit family, and friends and foes come together to chat, enjoy food and drink, and partake in Holi delicacies. People feast together and eat special sweets made for the day called Gujiya and serve Thandaai or Bhaang.

Wishing you a joyful and colourful Holi!

होली है !!

Mr. Ajay Puri
(Customer Service Executive – Amritsar)

International Women Day

Wish you all a Happy International Women’s Day!

We appreciate the ladies in our lives, including our mother, sisters, wife, daughter, and co-workers. The most significant group in civilization is women. They serve as the family's foundation. The contributions that women have made to society are significant, and they merit praise. They are not only wives, sisters, daughters, mothers, and nurses; they are also social workers, instructors, and many other professions. Every year on March 8th, we observe International Women's Day to honour the contributions that women have made to all aspects of life. Since 1975, when it was first observed, the day has grown in prominence.

The day is devoted to the equality and liberties of women. The United Nations (UN) was established it in 1977, with one of the goals being the advancement of well-being and growth of all women and girls. We extend our warmest greetings and best wishes to all women on this International Women's Day and we appreciate them for their efforts and contributions to our success.

"Equality isn't just a nice to have, it's a must have"
The International Women’s Day 2023 is under the theme "INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY FOR GENDER EQUALITY"

It's not just something we say, it's not just something we write about. It's something we need to think about, know, value and embrace. Women's day is set aside to celebrate women's whether they are our mothers, sisters, homemakers or women's that are headed for our security at the borders. However, over the years, women have fought for more representation in the industry and now have the opportunity to become pilots, ground crew and executives. Women are inspiring, powerful and unique.

They are special and deserve to be appreciated for all they do. Women's day is the perfect occasion to express gratitude to women. The best way to change society and underlying problems is channelling women equality in all areas of life.


Mr. Shamon PS
(Deputy General Manager – Ground Services)

Gudi Padwa

As Gudi Padwa approaches, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year. Gudi Padwa is a spring time festival that marks the beginning of the New Year in Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and the union territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu . This festival is celebrated on the first day of the Chaitra month, to mark the beginning of the new year according to the lunisolar method of the Hindu calendar. Gudhi Padva signifies the arrival of spring and to the reaping of Rabi crops.

On this auspicious day, people decorate their homes with rangoli, flowers, and torans. The highlight of Gudi Padwa is the installation of a Gudi, which is a bamboo stick adorned with mango or neem leaves, a garland of flowers, a saffron-colored cloth and topped with upturned silver or copper vessels. The Gudi is then hoisted on the top of the house, which symbolizes victory over evil. People celebrate with street processions, dancing, and festive foods.

Some of the significances attributed to raising a Gudhi are as follows:
• It symbolises the victory of King Shalivahana and was hoisted by his people when he returned to Paithan.
• Gudhi symbolises the Brahmadhvaj (Brahma’s flag) mentioned in the Brahma Purana, because Lord Brahma created the universe on this day. It may also represent Indradhvaj (the flag of Indra).
• Historically, the Gudhi symbolises Lord Rama’s victory and happiness on returning to Ayodhya after slaying Ravana. Since a symbol of victory is always held high, so is the Gudhi (flag). It is believed that this festival is celebrated to commemorate the coronation of Lord Rama post his return to Ayodhya after completing 14 years of exile.
• Gudhi is believed to ward off evil, invite prosperity and good luck into the house.

People dress up in traditional attire, prepare traditional Maharashtrian dishes like puran poli, shrikhand, and modak, and offer prayers to Lord Brahma. The day is also considered auspicious for buying new things, starting new ventures, and investing in property.

I hope this Gudi Padwa brings happiness, good health, and prosperity to your life. May you be blessed with success, joy, and happiness in the coming year.

Wishing you a very happy Gudi Padwa!

Mr. Sumit Sharma (Sr.CSE)– ATQ


मिट गया बिना वाजूद के वो बिना एक आहह भरे!
हम चलते है पूरी शान से जग में बिना किसी डर के
गर्मी सर्दी हर दिन बराबर जिस से दुश्मन सेना डरती है
वो है भारत मां का सपूत जिसके सीने पे खाकी वर्दी है!

अपने बच्चो को न मिल पाता जाने बीत जाते कई साल
खाना खाया मेरे बच्चे ने इक मां पूछे कैसा है मेरा लाल
तू जुग जुग जीयें सरहद के रक्षक हम भी करते दुयाएँ
छुप छुप के तस्वीर देख रो लेता जब घर की याद सताएं!

दुश्मन के वार पे भारत मां की जय जयकार बुलाएं |
डगमातें है जब हिम्मते तो सबको हौसला देकर उठाए
गोली खाने को सबसे आगे देश पे आंच आने न पाए
लाल लहू की धारा का जब माथे तिलक लगाए !
सरहद पे खड़े हर इक फौजी को है मेरा नमन 🙏🏻
यह "सुमि" तो बस जग में चाहे प्यार, शांति और अमन!

Appreciation All Around – Keep Up The Great Work!!

Click of the month

Customer Delight Moments & Celebrations at Airports

Happy moments with the Customers

Cricketers on Board

Republic Day Celebration at Airports


Customer Delight moments

Happy moments with passengers

Inauguration of GOX airport


Remembering the Martyrs of Pulwama Attack

Valentine Day Celebration

Valentine day Celebration at Airports


Customer Delight Moments

Inauguration at GOX Airport

Valentine’s Day At Airports

Happy moment with our Men in Blue

Recently we had the actor Vatsal Sheth with us at Bhavnagar😊!! Great feeling!!

Yoga se hi Hoga😊..Fitness in our mind as we were pleased to have the Yog Guru Swami Ramdev with us at Guwahati!!

It was delightful to have ‘Hero No.1’ Mr. Govinda with us at Patna

It was pleasure to meet the great actor and human being Mr. Rajesh Sharma @ Kolkata!!

It was the ‘Thalaivar’ himself as we were thrilled to have Mr. Rajnikant with us at Delhi!!

The cricket fever was high 😍😍 @CCU with the legends of the game

We got mixed up with some Bhojpuri tadka in the presence of the Bhojpuri actress Ms. Rani Chatterjee @Kushinagar

Recently we had some special moment with actor Mr.Jaideep Ahlawat at Mumbai😊!! Great feeling!!

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - February 2023 Edition

Mr. Hari Prasad (Supervisor – Bangalore)

Winner of Most Liked Video Contest – February 2023 Edition

Team – Gwalior

Winner of the Click of the Month Contest - February 2023 Edition

Mr. Ayush Abhishek (GWL)

Just Laugh

Contributions By: Mr. Vishnu Ramesan (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Ms. Poonam Yadav (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Mr. Vikas Poonia (Dy. Manager – Ground Services), and Mr. Manish Tomar (Sr. Executive – Ground Services)

Compiled and Presented By: Mr. Raymond Henry (Manager-Ground Services)

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (March 2023)

Motivational Videos

when you feel down

Empty Your Mind
A powerful zen story for your life


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Please share your Ideas/Articles with us by 20th March 2023 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com