


Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

We welcome you to 2023 with immense joy, happiness and excitement. New Year is a time to reflect on the previous year and celebrate the arrival of a new one. It is also a time to create new happy and joyful moments with everyone in our life, including friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.The New Year marks the beginning of new promises, resolutions and life decisions.

‘Happiness is a choice’! Happiness comes from within and it comes with positive thinking, enjoying the little things and appreciating what we have in our lives. The best time to be happy is always now. In this January 2023 Edition of our magazine we will talk about ‘Happiness’ under ‘Nurture your talent’ series and will showcase why ‘Happiness’ is important for career growth and individual personality development. Though the article is lengthy as it covers all the aspects of ‘Happiness’, however it is worth reading.

Our section ‘Hot Shots’ will showcase short videos shared by our team members and will make you enjoy this Christmas season with us. Keep Smiling☺.

Let usknow more about the Capital of our country ‘Delhi’ under ‘My City My Place’ series, as we talk about the vast culture and history. It will be a great experience to know more about the rich culture of our Country’s capital city.

We were glad to see our team members participating in SpicyReflection Quiz and also would like to congratulate Mr. Kailash Singh from HO-GSD team for winning the SpicyReflection Quiz (December 2022 Edition). We wish all the best to all the other participants for our January 2023 Quiz.

New Year brings new hopes, as we will meet our customers and will create new memories. Let the happiness quotient be high for all our team members as well as for our passengers. We need to continue our focus on service with Eye contact, Smile and Greetings at all the customer touch points. We congratulate each one of you for your great efforts. Please keep it up!

We are sure you will enjoy this edition of SpicyReflection filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts. Please do share your feedback/ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page “SpicyReflection” on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Keep Reading and Sharing!!

Wish you all Happy New Year and a great 2023!!

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Propel your carrier with ‘Happiness’ - By: Mr. GP Gupta

‘Happiness’ is one of the most important aspects of life; be it personal, professional or social. Happy people always achieve more and keep other people around them also happy. Happy people are always full of glow and energy. People become envious to happy people and call them ‘Lucky’. In this article we will deal with all the aspects of ‘Happiness’.

Meaning of ‘Happiness’
‘Happiness’ is an emotional feeling of joy, satisfaction, contentment and fulfillment. ‘Happiness’ involves positive emotions and satisfaction. It is an overall positive feeling with warmth. Sometimes ‘happiness’ is also referred to be ‘Subjective Well Being’ (SWB) and the reason behind the same is that, in the same situation one person can be happy while the other person remains unhappy. The person who feels happy focuses more on the positive aspects of things while managing the negative aspects; whereas the person who feels unhappy focuses more on the negative aspects of things, ignoring the positive ones.

Happy people always keep smiling which makes them attractive for conversation and bonding. From a time perspective ‘Happiness’ is a medium - long term phenomenon. ‘Happiness’ is a journey and not the end. ‘Happiness’ is a path that leads to a lot of success.

We must remember that ‘happiness’ at the cost of someone else’s ‘happiness’ does not qualify in the definition of ‘happiness’.

Components of ‘Happiness’
Two main components of ‘happiness’ are as under:-

✈ Focused on positive emotions Everyone experiences both positive and negative emotions, feelings and moods. ‘Happiness’ is generally linked to experiencing more positive feelings than negative ones. It is most often associated with doing what feels good, self-care, fulfilling desires, experiencing enjoyment etc.

✈ Life satisfaction This relates to how satisfied you feel with different areas of your life including your relationships, work, achievements and other things that you have / possess. It is an intense feeling of satisfaction in what one has or owns rather than what others have or own. Happy people always enjoy what they have.

Type of ‘happiness’
There are many different types of ‘happiness’ that one can attain; joy, excitement, gratitude, pride, optimism, contentment, and love, to name a few. Each person has something unique that makes them happy. Let us understand these terms.

✈ Joy
A brief feeling of fulfillment of a desire at the present moment is known as ‘Joy’.

✈ Excitement
A happy feeling that involves looking forward to something, which you have been waiting for with positive anticipation.

✈ Gratitude
A positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative of a person or a thing that has been of immense value or use.

✈ Pride
A feeling of satisfaction in something that one has accomplished.

✈ Optimism
This is a way of looking at life with upbeat outlook.

✈ Contentment
This type of ‘happiness’ involves a sense of satisfaction in what one has or achieved.

✈ Love
An intense emotional feeling of affection for someone.

Levels of ‘Happiness’
In terms of sustainability and longevity ‘happiness’ can be classified in below levels:-

1. Pleasure
‘Happiness’ from immediate gratification. This form of ‘happiness’ is relatively short-lived and shallow.

2. Passion
‘Happiness’ achieved through one’s passion and achievement. Passion is needed to gain self-confidence. However, if one gets stuck at next level, one may become obsessed with winning so much that he / she feels the need to keep others down which may lead to negativity. This type of ‘happiness’ is not enduring.

3. Purpose
‘Happiness’ from making positive contributions to the lives of other people. It is much deeper and longer-lasting as you make a positive difference to others.

4. Ultimate good
‘Happiness’ from achieving fulfillment in the pursuit of truth, beauty, love and goodness in themselves and in helping others. It is ever lasting.

Signs of ‘Happiness’
While the perception of ‘happiness’ may be different from one person to the next, however there are some key signs that depict ‘happiness’ of the person as under:-

✈ Feeling like you are living the life you wanted ✈ Going with the flow and willingness to take life as it comes ✈ Feeling that the conditions of your life are good ✈ Enjoying healthy relationships with other people ✈ Feeling that you have accomplished (or will accomplish) what you want in life ✈ Feeling satisfied with your life ✈ Feeling positive more than negative ✈ Being open to new ideas and experiences ✈ Practicing self-care and treating yourself with kindness and compassion ✈ Experiencing gratitude ✈ Feeling that you are living life with a sense of meaning and purpose ✈ Wanting to share your ‘happiness’ and joy with others

Happy people still feel the whole range of human emotions anger, frustration, boredom, loneliness, and even sadness from time to time. But even when faced with discomfort, they have an underlying sense of optimism that things will get better, that they can deal with what is happening and they will be able to feel happy again.

Importance of ‘Happiness’
Feeling of ‘happiness’ is key to success. There are enormous benefits of ‘happiness’ and the list can be endless. However, the following are some of the key benefits of ‘happiness’:-

✈ ‘Happiness’ is always associated with positive emotions. Positive emotions increase the flow of blood and supply more oxygen to our body, resulting in higher energy levels. ✈ ‘Happiness’ promotes better physical and mental health and overall longevity. ✈ ‘Happiness’ increases immunity and reduces the chances of sickness. ✈ ‘Happiness’ increases productivity. ✈ ‘Happiness’ builds resilience. ✈ Resilience helps in managing stress and bouncing back better when faced with setbacks. ✈ ‘Happiness’ supports learning ability and skills. ✈ ‘Happiness’ promotes leadership qualities and one gains the acceptability of people as a leader. ✈ ‘Happiness’ is contagious and all people around you also practice ‘happiness’. Our ‘happiness’ promotes the ‘happiness’ of our family. ✈ ‘Happiness’ encourages positive behavioral aspects like eating and sleeping well.

Why we are not happy
Our unhappiness is attributable to us only. We are the source of our unhappiness. Following reasons / our behavioral aspects are responsible for our unhappiness:-

1. Not valuing what one has
This is one of the biggest reasons for unhappiness. We do not value what we have in terms of the people around us or the resources. Each individual is a unique creation of the Almighty including ourselves, our parent, spouse, kids and other family members. Rather than comparing with others, we must enjoy the uniqueness of each of them.We do not value our possessions or assets. We always look for what other people (mostly the higher-ups) have which is better than us. It is all a matter of perception. If you question yourself five times as to ‘how does it matter?’ In the end you will feel what you have is perfectly all right. Whenever any such thought comes to your mind that you do not have something, ask yourself the following questions:-

✈ Will it increase my knowledge / professional capability? ✈ Will it increase my blood count / life? ✈ Will it increase the ‘happiness’ of my parents, spouse, children or other relatives? ✈ Will it increase my acceptability in the organization / society? ✈ Does this really matter in overall life cycle of a human being? ✈ What if, I do not have this / that? ✈ Is there anyone else who does not have this, but is still happy? ✈ Is it impossible to be happy without it? etc.

One should always value what one has and should feel proud about that and enjoy it fully while keep working hard with best of his / her ability.

2. No psychological / social support
This is another major reason for unhappiness. Everyone thinks that he / she is the best creation and there is no one else who is more knowledgeable / skillful than him / her. They live with their bloated ego and arrogance only. They are aloof in the world and live with their ‘I’ only. They have no faith in the almighty or anyone else. They have no real friends or mentor. It is mental sickness.

3. No focus on ‘happiness’
If one does not focus on ‘happiness’; he / she will remain unhappy.

How to remain happy
By now we know that it is absolutely critical for a human being to be always happy. Now the question comes, how to remain happy?

‘Happiness’ is not something which we can buy from the market. Even money cannot buy ‘happiness’. ‘Happiness’ is within us and we need to activate it. There is no single switch to activate ‘happiness’. The following points will help us in activating our ‘happiness’.

1. Positive mind frame
One should always do the right things with the highest level of integrity and have a positive mind frame. When the right things are done with the right intentions, the results will always be right only. One should also remember that whatever happens, happens for good.

2. Self-confidence and faith in the almighty
Self-confidence sails you through the most troubled waters in life. Have faith in the almighty of our religion or region. It is always said that prayers are more powerful than medicines.

3. Keep smiling
When one smiles, ‘happiness’ hormones are released from the body which makes one happier. As a smile is contagious, other people will also smile and it makes overall environment happy.

4. Regular physical exercise
Exercise keeps us physically and mentally fit. Exercise also helps the brain release ‘happiness’ hormones in our body. Health is the biggest wealth.

5. Quality sleep
Quality deep sleep of seven hours or more keeps one completely in command the next day. People who sleep well are alert, energetic and happier than the people who miss their sleep.

6. Eat well
One should always focus on what and when to eat. Always focus on the quality of the meal. Avoid junk food and outside food to the extent possible.

7. Practicing gratitude
Practicing gratitude is a mood booster for anyone. When we express our gratitude for anyone or anything, the feeling of contentment gives rise to immense ‘happiness’.

8. Giving compliments
Giving a sincere compliment is a quick and easy way to brighten someone’s day while giving your own ‘happiness’ a booster dose. Catch the person’s eye and say it with a smile so they know you mean it. You might be surprised by how good it makes you feel.

9. Breathe deeply
Whenever you have some tense moments, practice deep breathing. It will calm you down and make you feel happy as breathing deeply releases happiness hormones and control negative emotions.

10. Acknowledge unhappy moments
Wrong things do happen in daily life. Immediately take control and think why did it go wrong and take corrective action to ensure that it does not go wrong again.

11. Keep a diary of good things
Write down good things that have happened during the day. Keep reviewing those.

12. Take stress head on
There are times when one feels stressed due to the high level of activity or some uncertainty. Rather than postponing the activities or stress, it is better to deal with it then and there. If the stress is activity related, put in your best efforts and take support. If it is related to some uncertainty, take guidance from your seniors or elders. Stress is not harmful always; sometimes it teaches us.

13. Avoid comparing yourself and your loved ones with others
If one wants to be happy, one should avoid comparing himself / herself and loved ones with others. Everyone has his / her own set of challenges. When we compare with others we ignore the positives and strengths of ourselves and our loved ones and focus on the positives and strengths of others and their loved ones. We never know their weakness or the issues they are facing. The grass always looks greener on the other side till the time we go there. If we have to compare, we need to compare ourselves with our past and need to see whether we have made progress. If not we need to reach out to our mentors or seniors for their guidance.

14. Organize / declutter
Organize your workplace, drawer, wardrobe, furniture, shoe rack etc. to ensure that everything has a place and everything at its place. It will enable things to be handy and most usable. Always do the daily and weekly cleaning.

15. Meet friends / make relationships
One should always make real friends and develop relationships. Make it a practice to meet real friends and discuss with them the good and bad experiences. Negative emotions do disappear during discussions with friends and the positive emotions take charge. While talking to friends, one accumulates a lot of ‘happiness’ hormones.

16. Plan your day / week / month
Planning is one of the most important aspects of ‘happiness’. One should always note down tasks to be done in a systematic and chronological order rather than remembering in mind and stressing your own mind. The fear of forgetting a task will always keep you stressed. There is no harm in keeping a pen and slip pad always with you to note down as soon as some task comes to your mind.

17. Give yourself some free time
You may like to ditch your phone / social media for some time and think yourself as to what you are doing and what you intend to do. Introspect yourself. You may like to read, meditate or go for a quick walk.

18. Love the nature
You should make it a habit to enjoy and love nature; maybe the greenery, birds, animals, river, waterfall etc.

19. Practice meditation
Meditation helps in increasing your concentration and focus. It gives you renewed energy.

20. Practice a self-care ritual
There are always somethings that you love doing which provide you with intrinsic pleasure. It may be offering prayers, doing some social / charitable work and going to a place of worship or teaching / coaching / counselling people. Practicing self-care rituals will always make you happy. It will strengthen you will power.

21. Giving back
Giving back is also a good mood booster. You may like to offer food / clothes to needy people or gifting something to your loved ones.

22. Take yourself out
Take breaks and go for holidays or to meet friends or relatives. Go to movies or shopping.

23. Create a thought list
Always do some practice on your thought process before going to meetings.

24. Re-evaluate you goals
From time to time one should re-evaluate his / her goals and keep adjusting them to ground realities.

25. Let go of the grudges
There is no point in keeping the grudges. You need to let it go for your own peace, ‘happiness’ and health rather than for others.

Practicing all the above 25 points will help to activate your overall long term ‘happiness’.

‘Happiness’ is vital for overall well-being of an individual and his whole family. Choice is with us whether we want to remain happy and keep our family happy or vice-versa. It is said, “Be happy otherwise your doctors will be happy.”

Let us take a ‘New Year resolution’ that we will keep ourselves, our loved ones and everyone around us ‘Happy’ forever!

Always be happy!

Happiest New Year 2023!

“Happiness is contagious; let us become the messenger of happiness.”

“Happiness is not about getting all we want, it is about enjoying all we have.”


Mr. Shamon P S

Pulse of Wisdom


Travel can be a very enriching and rewarding experience. It allows you to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and see new places. It can also help you to break out of your routine and try new things, which can be good for your mental health and overall well-being.

Nowadays, many people like travelling as they want to explore the world and watch everything they have read about. And this seems to be quite justified as practical knowledge is way more essential and effective than the theoretical one. People like to visit historical places present in different parts of the world and gather information on the same to write books and stories.

In this era of advanced technologies, education is one of the important foundations for the personal, social and economic development of an individual. International standards set a new trend for youngsters to expand their knowledge and education beyond their domestic standards. An individual adapts himself to different environments which help him to survive till the last stage of life.

A lot of people are travelling more than ever before, whether old or young. Travelling helps you find and get to know about yourself. When you are travelling alone, you might find yourself in a situation which you may never face otherwise. It helps you become independent, boosts your confidence and is a great learning experience. You get that much-needed break and me-time. You get to know new people, get to know about their cultures, explore different places, try your hands on something new and different, eat different cuisines and refreshes your mind. When you return back, you are totally fresh and rejuvenated.

Additionally, traveling can help you to develop new skills and perspectives. It can also be a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and your interests, as well as to broaden your horizons and gain a greater appreciation for the world around you.

Travelling is an important element in an individual’s life for higher studies which in turn is an important step towards success in this world of competition and survival.

Overall, traveling can be a very enriching and enjoyable experience

By Mr. Shamon P S (Deputy General Manager – Ground Services)

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly

(Continuation of an interesting series on how aviation has developed over the years)

As the latent demand of more fuel efficient aircraft became stronger, world’s largest aircraft manufactures started to work around the clock to cater to this demand.

The Airbus industrie upgraded its A-320 with bigger engines resulting into increase in fuel efficiency and profits for Airlines.

Boeing also came out with B-737 MAX with changes in design of engines and software on the Boeing work horse- B-737-800.

The engines were bigger and better, however the positioning of engine changes leading to changed flying conditions.

Let’s see the changes and effects here

The B-737 MAX was the hottest selling aircraft;however,it was grounded after 02 major accidents.

Since then Boeing has worked to get the aircrafts re-certified by making changes in software and hardware.

See the full changes here

Aviation is all about safety and efficiency and has grown with time and experiences gained over a 100 years.

The B-737-MAX has come out of the dark clouds, got certifications from FAA, EASA, etc. and is now poised to be a success story.

In the next edition, we will talk about the Q-400………..

By: Pradyumna Sharma

Spicy Talents

Neha Sharma (IXJ)

It’s a great pleasure that SpiceJet has given me an opportunity to write about myself. I truly feel blessed that my dream to express myself is getting to be real.


I am Miss Neha Sharma (Sr. Security Executive) from Jammu. I joined SpiceJet on 15th Sept 2014 andthe story of my journey is quite interesting. The story starts when my father placed me in KendriyaVidhalaya No.2, in Jammu Cant area which is very close to Airforce Station. I used to see Air Force officers coming to our school to drop their kids very often. Sometimes the Air Force officers also used to come to attend the Parent’s-Teacher’s meeting, and I used to see them in their uniformsand it attracted me a lot! I decided that I would also join Indian Air Force, but as we say, God has a different plan for everyone.

From childhood itself I was a very active, confident and out spoken girl. I achieved many accolades in school and college level, some of which are:

1. Awarded RajyaPuraskar in Scouts & Guide, and was also part of Jamboree Camp where the former President Late Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam was part of it.

2. I have got many prizes in school and college level in handball, khokho, badminton, kabaddi, shot put, racing and now power lifting. I was the Sports Captain of my school and everybody used to called me "Atta battu" who is a fast bowler .They named me so because I was very fast and multitalented .They used to say "Put her anywhere,she will win!"

3. I am also a NCC "C" Certificate holder.

4. I have also been awarded in many cultural events like dancing, singing, Display your Talent, and also achieved best student award in college, and also best staff award in 2021.

To join aviation was my passion. I had always one thing in my mind either Indian Air Force or Indian Aviation. When I was in 12th standard, Frankfinn people came to our school for seminar. I used to look over the sky and dream of it. Being a sports and army background. I have never thought I will be a part of it as I had a Tomboy personality and everybody used to tease me-LEAVE IT, DONT WASTE TIME ON IT. I got many rejections from other organisation. They used to give lame excuses like "You are not fit for this industry, and will not survive in this field." and I was like, I have to face the things that I can’t do. Though I gave my dreams and hope but whenever I saw Red Hot Spicy bird flying, I always thought “Can I be ever be a part of it?".

But I am very thankful that SpiceJet gave me a chance to fulfil my dream and I feel very lucky to be a part of SpiceJet family.SpiceJet Team has been very supporting and helpful, specially my seniors who have always motivated me and trusted my ability, and reminded me of my leadership qualities and encouraged me to face new challenges. Last, but not the least,all my colleagues who have always stood by my side. Whenever I felt broken,they have pushed me not to give up, and always said “Do not lose hope, just try and you will either succeed or will gain experience”…. that really helped me in achieving my goal!

Now let’s get to know about my Power Lifting career:

At the age of 32 when a girl thinks of marriage, I used to feel that I have a life to live.I can’t sit idle, and I always use to keep myself busy either in teaching,playing or reading books. I always wanted to make my name. I wantedmy family to be proud of me.Power Lifting came in my mind when I lost my father.I was in stress and broke and everyone called me ‘Fat’ as I had gained weight due to stress, but I took it as a challenge to prove to myself and everyone else that I can still achieve what I desire.

I always use tell to myself:

"Always keep yourself Fit. Don’t stress, just Work on your Body. Give yourself Time. Meditate and Self Analyse what you want to Achieve, Don’t think of Age. Happiness and Self-Satisfaction is more important."

It’s just the beginning and more to come!!

Ms. Neha Sharma (Sr. Security Executive – IXJ)

Tripurari Kumar (GGN)

Myself Tripurari Kumar, I have joined SpiceJet in July 2016. When I joined here, it had a “WOW” feeling, and still that zeal is continuing! The Sense of belonging is immense in SpiceJet. The work culture is so enthusiastic with employee involvement and retention is also of next level. What we used to hear as a corporate jargon are being perfectly practiced as a culture. A perfect work and life balance has been seen by me in all these years.

Since I hail from small town from Bihar and people in village have high standard towards my family members which consist of one brother and have two elder sisters. This difference is really seen observed by me, that attitude and response of relatives and colleagues have been changed after working in SpiceJet. My father Mr. Chitranjan Pandey, Since my childhood wanted me to be in good position and make him proud one day and that dream of him is fulfilled now. So it is like DREAM COME TRUE for me. This narrative about me have been changed after Joining in SpiceJet, Even villagers have huge respect towards him and such change in perception was of these people was after joining SpiceJet.

I have few Good mentors in life, which I have got through working in SpiceJet i.e. my seniors, who gave me possible to fight and learn from challenges even if horizon seems to be dark in all these years and Last but not the Least the Leadership of our team, really true mentor and fatherly figure to me, who taught me to have a simple step in life is “SMILE”. looks Small but very effective and precise in life As I still remember learning session and to quote proverb “Naam Aisha Karo Ki Kaam Hoh Jai or Kaam Aisha Karo Ki Naam Hoh Jai”.

Generally, a small and vibrant word is written in resume which comes last as “Hobbies”. So my hobbies were to play cricket and again SpiceJet has given me opportunity to live my life and play cricket. So fortunately I am bowler and batsman in nature once a gulley player turned to corporate cricket player. You can login to Cricheroes app to check my Stats. This was really possible for me to play cricket, when your better half, who is so much understanding and Kind hearted. Last but not the least, whom I love the most in my life my children. I am really role model for them and I still remember when they very proudly and empathically say to friends and other that his father works in SpiceJet.

Thanks “SpiceJet” keep Flying Higher and Higher. Our dream is fulfilled through you.

By: Tripurari Kumar (Assistant Manager-Traveldesk)

My City My Place


Delhi is the traditional and current capital of India. It is the third largest city in the world. It is also the second largest metropolitan area in India after Mumbai, with a population of around 29 million. Delhi is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in India. Delhi has an area of approximately 1,483 sq. kms. Delhi, the capital of India is bounded by the Indo-Gangetic alluvial plains in the North and East, by Thar Desert in the West and by Aravalli hill ranges in the South With a relatively low cost of living comparing with international standards, one can live comfortable and prosperous lives in Delhi.


Delhi, the capital of India has a strong historical background. It was ruled by some of the most powerful emperors in Indian history.


The history of the city is as old as the epic Mahabharata. The town was known as Indraprastha, where Pandavas used to live. In due course eight more cities came alive adjacent to Indraprastha: Lal Kot, Siri, Dinpanah, Quila Rai Pithora, Ferozabad, Jahanpanah, Tughlakabad and Shahjahanabad. Delhi has been a witness to the political turmoil for over five centuries. It was ruled by the Mughals in succession to Khiljis and Tughlaqs.


The invasion of Delhi by Timor in 1398 put an end to the sultanate; the Lodis, last of the Delhi sultans, gave way to Babur, who, after the battle of Panipat in 1526, founded the Mughal Empire. The early Mughal emperors favoured Agra as their capital, and Delhi became their permanent seat only after Shah Jahan built (1638) the walls of Old Delhi.

From Hindu Kings to Muslim Sultans, the reins of the city kept shifting from one ruler to another. The soils of the city smell of blood, sacrifices and love for the nation. The old 'Havelis' and edifices from the past stand silent but their silence also speaks volumes for their owners and people who lived here centuries back.


In the year 1803 AD, the city came under British rule. In 1911, George V and Mary Queen declared and named Delhi the new capital of the country. Since then, Delhi has been the capital of India. But, the city has the reputation of overthrowing the occupants of its throne. It included the British and the current political parties that have had the honor of leading free India.

After independence in 1947, New Delhi was officially declared as the Capital of India.


Delhi is bounded by four states namely Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab that have a strong influence on the lifestyle of Delhi. Delhi is a cosmopolitan city where people are open to embracing new ideas and lifestyle. People from all parts of the country live here. All major festivals of India are celebrated and the Unity in Diversity is evident in social and cultural gatherings. Be it Holi, Diwali, Eid, Guru Purab, Buddha Purnima or Christmas, you will find the same vigor and bliss among people from different communities. The best part of these festivals is everyone celebrates these festivities despite being from different disciplines, state, culture or caste.



My city New Delhi is a metropolitan city with different cultures and races. The city is the political centre of India. On Republic Day, the city holds a parade where people from all over the country come to show the different cultures and diversity. This is an exhibition where the navy, army, and air force also show the power of the country and are welcomed by the country’s President and Prime Minister. It’s beautiful to look at and gives us goose bumps, and like every other citizen, also fills us with patriotism.


Historic Site

My City New Delhi has many historical and beautiful places. National Museum, Rashtrapati Bhawan, India Gate, Gandhi Smriti, Rajghat, Jantar Mantar, Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum, Art Gallery, Railway Museum and many other museums, National War Memorial, Lotus. Temple, QutubMinar, Lodhi Garden and many other places. Everyone who visits my city should see these places because they are very beautiful and well organized.



Traveling around my city is not difficult at all thanks to the DELHI METRO which connects every nook and corner of DELH,I conceptualized in 1998 and started public operation on 25 Dec 2002.The network consists of 10 color-coded lines serving 255 stations with a total length of 348.12 kilometres . Many subways facilitate transportation. If you travel on a public road, it will be difficult because it is crowded, so it is better to travel in the comfort of air conditioned Delhi Metro. The city has a beautiful airport, Indira Gandhi International Airport which connects India to the world and often been called as GATEWAY TO INDIA, as well as a beautiful railway station well connected with major railway station across the country. The city is also connected with many national highways, that connect various parts of India.



People living in Delhi speak the national language – Hindi, although there are those who speak Punjabi and even Haryanvi. The people of Delhi also communicate in English, but Hindi language prevails.

Due to the large influx of immigrants from different parks in the country, the culture of Delhi is diverse. The amalgamation of different businesses, traditions, and religions has dyed Delhi in colours that are imported from all over India. Delhi is inhabited by people of different castes and cultures. Consequently, all major festivals are celebrated with the same excitement and fun.

Best Time to visit

The best time to visit Delhi is from October to March, when the weather is at its best. During this period flowers are at their blooming best, the weather is pleasant and enjoyable to experience Incredible Delhi. This period is often be called as “DILLI Ki SARDI”


While shopping at a mall is comfortable and you get high-end products, shopping in Delhi at its street markets or bazaars is a real treat. If you happen to visit Delhi, then you simply cannot ignore going on a shopping spree by heading to one or all of its major shopping destinations like Lajpat Nagar, Karol Bagh, Paharganj, Sarojini Nagar Market, Connaught Place, and Chandni Chowk for the best bargains on ethnic clothes, decorations, and accessories. From bargaining for a good price to the wonderful street food options, these top shopping places in Delhi are a treasure trove of goods waiting to be discovered.

10 Best Shopping Places to Visit in Delhi

1. DilliHaat
2. Janpath Market
3. Khan Market
4. Sarojini Market
5. Chandni Chowk
6. Lajpat Nagar
7. Connaught Place
8. Karol Bagh Market
9. M- Block Market, Greater Kailash Part I
10. Paharganj Bazaar



Delhi is all about street food, so wherever you go, you're bound to find some amazing options from across the India and the world. Rather than eating from five-star hotels or restaurants, opt for local street vendors. Delhi is rich in culture and diversity and features a variety of food dishes. The best way to experience the food dishes is to visit street vendors who offer mouth-watering snacks like chaat like bhelpuri, golgappe, tikki and so on at a very affordable rate. You can do vendor hopping and sample the food dish from local vendors. You will find the best meals within a limited budget.

Don’t Miss CholaBhatura, CholeKulche and Chat Pappdi when you are in DELHI !☺


Final Word

Delhi has something to offer everyone…………!

Delhi prides itself on its mesmerizing sights, unique and diverse culture, and history. The geography, the people, the state enterprises, the modernity, and the hospitality make Delhi attractive to all visitors. Significant progress has been made in all areas. Delhi is also gaining appreciation and recognition internationally. Delhi has always been the hub of activity, art, culture, fashion, etc. It has been and will continue to be the center of all attractions.


By: Team Delhi

Mr. Naveen Pathak (Duty Manager – GSD – HO)


नए   वर्ष   में   नई   पहल   हो,   कठिन   ज़िंदगी  और   सरल   हो ।
अनसुलझी   जो   रही   पहेली,   अब   शायद   उसका   भी   हल   हो ।।
जो   चलता   है   वक्त   देखकर,   आगे   जाकर   वही   सफल   हो ।
नए   वर्ष   का   उगता   सूरज,   सबके   लिए   सुनहरा   पल   हो ।।
भूल   के   बीती   बातों   को,   एक   नए   मुकाम   को   पाना   है |

नए   साल   में   हमको   एक,   नया   इतिहास   रचाना   है ।।

ऊपर   हमको   उठना   है   अब,   उत्साह   हमारा   गिर   ने   पाए  |

छेड़ें   ऐसा   संगीत   नया,   पूरी  दुनिया   ही   जो   गाये  ||

रुकना   नहीं   है   अब   हमको,   आगे   कदम  बढ़ाना   है,

नए   साल   में   हमको   एक,   नया   इतिहास   रचाना   हैं  ||
//आप   सभी   को   नये   साला   की   हार्दिक   शुभकामना //

Mr. Sumit Sharma (Sr.CSE)– ATQ


दिल   रोया   बड़ा   मगर   डगमाया   नही   तेरे   सामने  ।
सारी   खुशियों   मन   चाहता   बिखेर   दू   तेरे   दामन   में  ।
तू   खुश   रहे   आबाद   रहे   अपने   नए   घर   में  ।
तुझ   बिन   कैसे   लगेगा   मन   मेरा   अभ   कैसा   होगा   रहन  ।
तेरे   बिन   सूना   सूना   हो   गया   घर   अब   यह   मेरी   बहन  ।

तुझ   संग   प्रीत   बड़ी   तेरी   याद   बहुत   आए  ।
आज   तेरी   यादें   मुझको   बीते   पल   याद   करवाए  ।
मेरी   गलतियों   को   छिपाने   के   बदले   में   रिश्वत   पाए  ।
तुझको   आए   जरा   सी   आंच   इस   भाई   से   होता   नही   सहन
तू   ओ   मेरी   छुटकी   लड़की   तुम   ही   मेरी   प्यारी   बहन  ।।

तुम्हारा   दरवाजा   खोलना   मेरे   लेट   आने   पे  ।
कभी   कभी   सो   जाना   तेरी   बाजुओं   के   सरहाने   पे  ।
डोली   में   बिठा   के   तुमको   विदा   करना   बाबुल   के   घर   से ।
भूलना   नहीं   बहना   कभी   भी   तुम   रक्षा   बंधन  ।
तुमको   पिया   घर   बड़ा   भाए   मेरी   छोटी   बहन  ।
तुम   आओगी   बहुत   याद   बड़ा   मुश्किल   हैं   यह   रहन  ।

Mr. Ajay Puri (CSE) – ATQ


Appreciation for Ground Services Team Lead by Mr. Sumant Rautela

Click of the month

Secret Santa Celebrations at Airports

Christmas Celebrations at Airports

Hot Shots

Customer Delight Moments & Celebrations at Airports

Happy moment with School Kids at IXG

Happy moments with our customers

Joy Ride for Under Privilege Kids at MAA


Happy Passengers

Happy moments with our customers

Happy moments with our customers


Customer Delight Moments

1st SpicyReflection Friendship Cup 2022

Christmas Celebration at Airports

Secret Santa Celebration

Happy moment with one of the most Humble persom Mr. Chunky Pandey @ Gwalior

Happy moment with the great versatile and sufi singer Mr. Javed Ali @ Jaipur

It was a great moment to meet the Kind and humble Mr. Nana Patekar @ Goi

It was a great moment with the one and only He-Man of Bollywood @aapkadharam (Mr. Dharmendra) Sir!!

Music Composition Duo Mr. Sanchet and Parampara @ Bhavnagar

Great Moment with the Evergreen Mr. Dilip Joshi also famously known as Mr. Jethalal @ Jabalpur

Happpy moment with the Rap Star Mr. Santhanam Srinivasan famously known as EPR @ Bagdogra

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - December 2022 Edition

Mr. Kailash Singh (Sr. Executive – GSD)

Winner of Most Liked Video Contest – December 2022 Edition

Team – Belagavi

Winner of the Click of the Month Contest - December 2022 Edition

Mr. Ajay Puri (ATQ)

Just Laugh

Contribution By: Mr. Vishnu Ramesan (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Ms. Poonam Yadav (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Mr. VikasPoonia (Dy. Manager – Ground Services), and Mr. Manish Tomar (Sr. Executive – ground Services)

Compiled and Presented By: Mr. Raymond Henry (Manager-Ground Services)

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (January 2023)

Motivational Videos

One Habit That Will Change Your Life

You Have To See Where You Want To Be


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Please contribute with your Ideas/articles by 7th January 2023 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com