

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

We welcome you to the month of April, or we can say the month of festivals as in this month we celebrate Mahavir Jayanti, Hanuman Jayanti, Easter, Vishu, Vaisakhi/Bihu and Id-Ul-Fitr. Celebrate these festivals with lots of Joy and Happiness!

‘Trust is Fragile so don’t Break it; Once broken it will never come back in its original shape’. Any relationship in this world begins with Trust. In this April 2023 Edition of our magazine we will talk about ‘Trust’ under ‘Nurture your talent’ series and will showcase why Trust is important for any relationship and in our career growth.

In this edition we have included some great videos in our section ‘Hot Shots’ which will surely will make you smile. Keep Smiling ☺.

Where’s the Party tonight? In this edition we will take you the party capital of India ‘Goa’ under ‘My City My Place’ series. Besides being a party place, Goa is also known for its scenic beauty and forts. The Portuguese colony and old churches are not to be missed. Let’s Goa!!

We would like to thank you all for your participation in SpicyReflection Quiz and also would like to congratulate Mr. Madhu Daruru from Tirupati team for winning the SpicyReflection Quiz (March 2023 Edition). We wish all the best to all the other participants for our April 2023 Quiz.

‘Nothing you wear is more important than your Smile’ and with our ‘Smile Campaign’ we have created moments of happiness within the team and also with our customers. We should all work together to keep the happiness quotient high for all our team members as well as for our passengers. We need to continue our focus on service with Eye contact, Smile and Greetings at all the customer touch points. We congratulate each one of you for your great efforts. Please keep it up!

We are sure you will enjoy this edition of SpicyReflection filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts. Please do share your feedback / ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page “SpicyReflection” on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Keep Reading and Sharing!!

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Propel your carrier with ‘Trust’

There are just a few elemental forces that hold our world together. The one that’s the glue of society is called trust. Its presence cements relationships by allowing people to live and work together, feel safe and belong to a group.

Trust in a leader allows organizations and communities to flourish, while the absence of trust can cause fragmentation, conflict and even war.

On the positive side, trust makes people feel eager to be part of a relationship or group, with a shared purpose and a willingness to depend on each other. When trust is intact, we will willingly contribute what is needed, not just by offering our presence, but also by sharing our dedication, talent, energy and honest thoughts on how the relationship or group is working.

Definition of Trust:

Trust is the faith you have in someone that will always remain loyal to you and love you. One dictionary definition of trust is “feeling safe when vulnerable.” When we depend on a leader, family member or friend, we can feel vulnerable, and we need trust to manage the anxiety of this feeling. When trust is present, things go well; but when trust is lost, the relationship is at risk.

If the level of trust is low in a relationship or organization, people limit their involvement and what they are willing to do or share. They might think to themselves, “This is all you deserve,” or, “This is as all I am willing to give.” In contrast, when the trust level is high, people reward it by giving more.

Yet even trust that is earned can be quickly lost and cannot be quickly regained. If members of a team or relationship lose trust in each other, it takes a great deal of work to restore it. People are not quick to reinvest in a relationship where trust has been broken. They generally move on.

Six Building Blocks of Trust:

Since trust is so important in both working and personal relationships, how can we monitor it, build upon it and heal it when it becomes frayed? It is useful to view trust as a natural response to certain qualities in a person, group or organization, and the absence of these qualities will diminish the level of trust. These qualities are:

1. Reliability and Dependability: A person or group that is true to their word and fulfills their commitments encourages trust.

2. Transparency: People are anxious about unknowns and tend to assume the worst when they’re not informed about a new development. When management meets in secret or does not share important information, team members can easily become distrustful.

3. Competency: This is another element that is central to building trust.

4. Sincerity, Authenticity and Congruency: People can often sense when someone says something that is not aligned with what they are feeling inside. When a leader is insincere or inauthentic, people don’t believe what he or she is saying. A leader who says one thing but who acts differently is not congruent. For example, it is hard to believe someone who says they want to listen but does not give you a chance to speak, or someone who says he/she is concerned about people yet seems to have a plan to lay people off. People may think they can hide their true feelings or contradictions, but others can quickly detect a lack of sincerity or congruency. That’s when trust is eroded.

5. Fairness: Some people act as if the needs and desires of others are not important, or they don’t truly listen to or respect both sides. Trust cannot grow in a relationship where it’s all about one person or in a workplace where all the energy is focused on the company or leader.

6. Openness and Vulnerability: If a person never says they are wrong and apologizes or acknowledges their mistakes, other people do not feel comfortable disagreeing with them or sharing their own thoughts. A leader who is “never wrong” never gets the truth from others. Yet a timely apology or admission of being wrong is a powerful weapon to build or rebuild trust.

Importance of Trust:

✈ Trust creates psychological safety:- psychological safety as the ability to be yourself without fear of negative consequences
✈ Trust encourages questioning and risk-taking
✈ Trust encourages fast decisions
✈ Trust improves communication
✈ Trust promotes self-confidence
✈ Trust increases productivity
✈ Trust facilitates meaningful connections
✈ Trust increases morale, reduces stress
✈ Trust increases feelings of optimism
✈ Trust is good for communities
✈ Better Teamwork and Collaboration
✈ Change Isn’t Feared or Resisted
✈ Improved Employee Performance
✈ Ethical Decisions are Made

How to Build a Culture of Trust in the Workplace:

It’s not enough to just want a culture of trust at work, it has to be cultivated.

1. Stop Micromanaging: Micromanaging doesn’t engender trust. Employees feel valued when they’re allowed to make decisions on behalf of the organization and management.

2. Give Employees a Voice: Workers want to be heard.

3. Care for All Employees: Workers have lives outside work and whether organizations like it or not, workers’ personal lives impact heavily on their work.

4. All Managers Set a Good Example: Building a culture of trust starts from the top. If workers see managers not behaving in a trustworthy manner, or not consistent to the company’s values and mission, they may feel that it’s fine to do the same.

5. Tell the Truth: Some managers may decide it’s best for staff if they hide the truth or tell half the story because it’s bad news. Most staff would prefer to know the ugly truth than to be kept in the dark. But not disclosing information, the organization risks causing feelings of mistrust amongst workers.

“To earn trust, money and power aren’t enough; you have to show some concern for others. You can’t buy trust in the supermarket." – His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Mr. Ritesh Dubey
(Deputy General Manager – Ground Services)

Pulse of Wisdom


This quote by Robert Schuller must have definitely caught your attention at least once in your life. Such simple words, yet powerful enough to live by.

Life has its hurdles. As a matter of fact, you will go through most of life dealing with one challenge or the other, some being tougher than others. At times like these, it’s very easy to drift away from positive aspects of life. For a moment, or even more, you are unable to see the glass full and sometimes to even loose your way. It’s okay to feel scared. It happens to each and every one of us when faced with the unknown. It’s also normal to lose optimism for a brief moment or to underestimate ourselves and our strength.

But then finally, it’s important to put a stop to the fear and to regain strength to face our challenges. And no matter how difficult they might seem, resolving them starts by recognizing that these difficult moments won’t last forever and that you are tougher than the tough times you are facing. At this point you have to remember that if this was your worst moment, nothing can get worse than this. Your inner strength will pull you through it all.

Coping with difficult situations depends on two things — the severity of the problem, and your strength and willpower.

The first thing is entirely out of your hands. While you can control your feelings, you can’t really do anything to change the situation. It’s with everything in daily life. No matter how bad it seems at this very moment, eventually, it will end. The only thing that you can do is wait patiently and work on yourself. You can’t change some things, but you can change the way you react to the situation.

In difficult times it’s important to stay close to the people you cherish, and it’s completely normal to ask for help, no matter what you are dealing with. You don’t have power over things that are beyond your reach, but you do have power over your own mind.

So, when you can’t change the situation, change your attitude. You are tougher than you think, and no matter what life brings, you can endure it and come out a winner.

Remember, real strength is the ability to endure when times are hard. Real strength is knowing when to act, and when to wait for things to settle down on their own. It’s accepting the challenge that comes with life, and embracing every opportunity to come out of it as a winner. Your real strength is accepting that things will get better, once you change your attitude. Your mind can do wonders.

In the words of Matt Haig… Nothing is stronger than a small hope that doesn’t give up.

Hot Shots

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly

In the previous edition we learnt about the forces working on an aircraft and now we will learn about the force which generates lift.

We need to understand about pressure and air pressure.

A simple definition of Pressure is the force applied on a surface (area). More force on a unit area means more pressure. Also if the area is decreased and same force is applied, pressure will be more. To understand this, let’s understand through a small experiment.

Imagine giving a punch to a balloon. It will bounce like a ball and we will enjoy it. Now let’s take a needle and prick the balloon. …..Surely it will burst!

Reason for the difference between the two outcomes, is that while giving the punch the contact surface between the hand and the balloon is large, hence effective pressure was less. However, however when the needle was involved, even with a lesseramount of force, pressure is much more due to reduction in surface area, and it bursts!

Air is present everywhere and it exerts pressure from all directions on all objects. For easier understanding see a small presentation here (https://youtu.be/KndNN28OcEI)

Air pressure depends on various factors which include temperature, altitude, speed of wind etc. and it effects the weight which can be carried by aircraft)

Another important thing we must understand is a universal truth: Things move from high to low.Water rushes down from mountains to the plains and then to sea (high height to low height) and similarly air moves from high pressure to low pressure.

When a low pressure area interacts with a high pressure area, the air tries to move to equalize. This is the cause of high speed winds, storms and cyclone.

In the next edition we will discuss how aviators have used the above concepts to lift aircrafts.

By: Pradyumna Sharma

Spicy Talents

Abdul Haleem (GWL)

11th March, 1993; It was a golden day for my family as a son was born and there was lot of happiness and joy in the family.

Few months later the little baby was given a name Abdul Haleem. The meaning of Haleem means name of Almighty and (Gentle).A few years later, that baby boy grew up and then he was taken for his kindergarten studies in Solomon School. This is how that baby boy set his feet on path of education.Being born in a religious family, my parents taught me all the religious thing.

My life was very difficult during my childhood. Because I was a third child in the family. But somehow my parents managed to give the best education to all three children.After completing 11 years, it’s time to move High School.

On 24 June 2007. That was my first day in High school and there were so many questions in my mind like how would be the school be & how would be the teachers.After completing 4 years in high school (intermediate) it’s time to say goodbye to my school, teacher and classmates with lots of tears and memories.

On July 2011- The day I began my college journey as a commerce student. College means time to enjoy learn with fun and freedom to bunk lectures, but I had a different approach towards college life.After 3 years this was the time for me to pass my graduation exam.

On 18th June 2015 it was my last day of my college and again it’s time to say goodbye again to my teachers and classmates and move ahead for my next journey.

On 1 July 2016- This was the day where I took admission in ITM University GWL to start my MBA. But during my MBA I fell ill and doctors advised me to take treatment in Delhi.

I was hospitalized for more than 2 months. At that time, I was very upset that I was unable to purse my MBA but I had a hope that one day I will be fine and OK. Then on 23 Sep 2017 this day I was discharged and completely recovered and after this bad time I finally got my MBA degree.

On 12 March 2018- I went to Surat for 3 months of internship program in Liza tiles Pvt. After completing of internship I started to hunt for job in Aviation.

On 30 Aug 2021 at Gwalior airport there was interview scheduled for SpiceJet Airlines. There were around 10 to15 young candidates. I appeared for the interview and after 3 rounds I finally got selected with SpiceJet Airlines as CSE in APS Department. I went back home happily and shared this news of my selection in SpiceJet Airlines. Every member of my family was happy too.

On 1 Sep 2021 My dream came true I was excited when I entered the Airport, it was such a great feeling and moment of joy.

On 29th Oct 2021- I went to Delhi for 3 months’ deputation where I got the opportunity to learn international check-in also I gained knowledge in customer service.SpiceJet has given me a platform where I can showcase my talent of Photography and videography also I have achieved best photography award on 24th Aug 2022.

If I talk about my hobby, my fav hobby is photography. I got into photography in my childhood as I was so fascinated about cameras. At first , I didn’t know much about how to use a camera but I quickly become interested in learning more about photography & started experimenting with different techniques .Photography allows me to be creative.

I enjoy capturing moment & objects in interesting & unique ways. In a world that can often feel overwhelmed chaotic,taking photos allow me to slow down & focus on the beauty & detail in the world around me. My passion for photography has been appreciated by all. I was awarded as best photographer at SpiceJet GWL for my photography efforts.

Recently on my 30th birthday I got an opportunity to meet and recognize by our respected DGM with Spice Star award, and also I got an opportunity to celebrate my birthday. It was such a great moment and best birthday gift ever.

Story narrated by:
Abdul Haleem
SpiceJet - GWL

Spicy Talents

Farooq Ahmad Sheikh (SXR)

Mr. Farooq Ahmad Sheikh, the one who turns dust into gold, always hardworking and takes decisions bold. We take this platform as an opportunity to share the story of the ’Hero of Our Team’.

He came into our family in 2005 and when he entered the airport his story was untold. His will and hard work unfolded the series of success for him. He has a lovely family and has been passionate about cycling. He is always focus towards his goal.

Started his Career as Cleaner in SpiceJet through G.H.A in the year 2005,his dedication and hard work has paid him in the form of promotion in 2007 as Cleaner Supervisor in just two years of time. He didn’t stop at this and continued his journey with same dedication and it paid off in the year 2010 as he became Loader and GSD Assistant under G.H.A. Being a sheer example of commitment and dedication another feather was added to his cap in year 2012 when he was promoted as Driver under G.H.A.

The year 2017 marks his journey into SpiceJet payroll as Driver. He never left any stone unturned and always wanted to climb the stairs of success and finally he was promoted as a licensed Aircraft Push Back Operator. He was also awarded the Best Performer of the year at Srinagar airport the Airport authority.

He has many stories of success to share and we wish him All the Best!!

Farooq Ahmad Sheikh
Push Back Operator
SpiceJet – Srinagar

My City My Place

Goa GOA is popularly known as the Pearl of the Orient, and a Tourist Paradise.It is located in India’s coastal belt on the western side called the Konkan coast.Goa has the most contribution to India Tourism. Goa is a state on the south-western coast of India. The location was recognized as the Konkan and geographically separated from the Deccan highlands with Western Ghats. It is encircled by Indian state of Maharashtra’s toward the north, and Karnataka toward the east and south, with the Arabian Sea shaping its western coast. With terraced hills, red churches, small rooftops, Panaji City stands as the Capital of Goa. When we hear about Goa, the first picture we imagine is the scenery, having beverages with your loved ones by the beach. Goa is well known for its first-class beaches.



Travelers normally know Goa as North and South Goa; the previous being the spot to be in case you’re anticipating an “occurring” occasion, and the last mentioned, if you need an additionally loosening up to rest from your hectic life. Around fifty beaches are located in Goa; Goa’s dotted beaches are a treat to the eyes. Goa tourism always recommends visiting Morjim, Baga, Candolim & Calangute beaches. The sunset of beaches always shows you the philosophy and peace of life. Whether you’re planning a family holiday or cherishing moments with your friends, Goa has all ingredients to make a holiday feast for you.


Cashew is a recognizing symbol of Goa. Some people even came here only to buy cashew. Other than that, Feni is an authentic beverage of Goa. It is a type of beverage that is created from cashew nuts and only produced in Goa. The Feni consumed in South Goa is generally of higher content than the Feni produced in North Goa. Preparations of pork and prawns are famous in Goa. Goa is also famous for colourful carnivals and a variety of beverages.

Goa has the biggest contribution to the Indian economic system and Indian Tourism. With mesmerising common magnificence and energetic societies, Goa’s internal excellence isn’t difficult to see. More than sun-doused seashores and parties, Goa’s friendly people, extraordinary food, recorded structures, and cosmopolitan nature are ever-superb. Goa is known for beaches, but Goa is also covered one-third by forests..


Mr. Manish Tomar
(Senior Executive – Ground Services)

Mahavir Jayanti

Mahavir Jayanti is one of the most significant festivals celebrated in India, particularly by the Jain community. It commemorates the birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir, the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism, who was born in the 6th century BCE.


Mahavir Jayanti holds a special place in the hearts of Jains across the world, as it is a day to remember the life and teachings of Lord Mahavir, who preached the path of non-violence, truthfulness, and self-control.He taught the path of Ahimsa or non-violence, which is the cornerstone of Jainism. This is a day of celebration and introspection. It is a time to reflect on our actions and strive to live a life that is in harmony with the teachings of Lord Mahavir. On this day, Jains across the world offer prayers, perform rituals and engage in charitable activities.

The teachings of Lord Mahavir promote love, compassion, and respect for all living beings. He believed that every living being has a soul and therefore, we must treat them with kindness and love. His teachings inspire us to live a life of non-violence, to be truthful in our words and actions, and to exercise self-control over our thoughts and emotions.As I write this article, my heart is filled with reverence and admiration for Lord Mahavir. His teachings hold great significance even today and serve as a guiding light for many people. The life of Lord Mahavir is an inspiration to all of us. He led a simple life, devoid of any materialistic possessions, and dedicated his life to the upliftment of society. His teachings emphasize the importance of service to others and working toward the betterment of society.

In conclusion, Mahavir Jayanti is a day to celebrate the life and teachings of Lord Mahavir, who showed us the path of non-violence, truthfulness, and self-control. His teachings continue to inspire us even today, and we must strive to incorporate them into our lives. On this auspicious day, let us all pledge to lead a life that is in harmony with the principles of Jainism and work towards the betterment of society.

By Team SpicyReflection

Women’s World Boxing Championship – Glory to Gold

The Women's Boxing Championship 2023 was a historic event in the world of sports. The tournament featured some of the best female boxers from around the world, each vying for the coveted title of champion. The competition was intense, with fighters showcasing their skills and determination. This event is not only significant for women's boxing but also for gender equality in sports. It sends a message that women can excel in any field they choose, including traditionally male-dominated sports like boxing.

Indian women boxers have emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the international boxing arena. With their determination, hard work and skill, they have brought glory to India by winning numerous medals at various international competitions.

This event saw many athletes who became legends by emerging as a Champion. Our Indian boxers showed the courage and power they dwell. We bring to you the undisputed Champions of World Boxing Championship 2023 to celebrate the pride and joy.

Elite Women 45-48 Kg Minimun Category winner

Champion – Nitu Ghanghas

Elite Women 48-50 Kg Lightfly Category winner

Champion – Nikhat Zareen

Elite Women 70-75 Kg Middle Category winner

Champion – Lovlina Borgohain

Elite Women 75-81 Kg Light Heavy Category winner

Champion – Saweety Boora

Their success not only brought pride to India but also inspired young girls across the country to pursue their dreams fearlessly. These women proved that gender is not a barrier when it comes to achieving greatness. Their victories also highlighted the importance of investing in sports infrastructure and providing equal opportunities for men and women in sports. It is essential to recognize the potential of female athletes and provide them with adequate resources to excel.

By: Team SpicyReflection

By Team SpicyReflection

Spring Harvest Festivals of India

Vishu is a traditional festival celebrated in the southern Indian state of Kerala. It marks the beginning of the Malayalam calendar and falls on the first day of Medam month, usually in April. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion by the people of Kerala. The day starts with an early morning ritual called "Vishukkani", where a tray filled with auspicious items like rice, fruits, flowers, coins, and a mirror is arranged in front of Lord Krishna's idol. It is believed that seeing this arrangement as soon as one wakes up brings good luck throughout the year.

Another important aspect of Vishu is "Vishukkaineetam", which involves giving money to children and younger members of the family as a token of blessings for their future prosperity. The day also includes feasting on traditional delicacies like "sadya" (a vegetarian meal served on banana leaves), wearing new clothes, and bursting firecrackers.

In other parts of India It is also majorly celebrated as Vaisakhi, Bihu and Vaisakhadi.

Vaisakhi is a significant festival celebrated in the Sikh community, marking the birth of Khalsa Panth. It falls on April 13 or 14 every year and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion. The day holds immense historical and religious significance for Sikhs as it marks the establishment of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1699.

On this day, Sikhs visit Gurudwaras to offer prayers, sing hymns, and participate in processions known as Nagar Kirtans. The festival also involves the preparation of traditional Punjabi dishes such as langar (community meal), kheer (rice pudding), and prasad (sweet offering). Vaisakhi is not only a celebration of Sikhism but also a symbol of unity among people from different religions and cultures. It promotes brotherhood, equality, and social justice among all individuals.

Vaisakhadi, also known as the Bengali New Year, is a significant festival celebrated by Bengalis all over the world. It marks the beginning of the first month of the Bengali calendar, Vaisakh. The festival falls on April 14th every year and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. On this day, people dress up in traditional attire and visit temples to seek blessings from God. They also prepare special dishes like panta bhat (fermented rice), ilish maach (hilsa fish), and payesh (rice pudding) to offer to their deities.

Cultural programs are organized in various parts of West Bengal and Bangladesh where people sing and dance to traditional folk songs. Vaisakhadi is not just a celebration of a new year but also a symbol of unity among Bengalis. It brings together people from different walks of life who come together to celebrate their culture and traditions. The festival represents hope for a better future, new beginnings, and renewed energy. In conclusion, Vaisakhadi is an important festival that holds immense cultural significance for Bengalis worldwide.

It is a time for reflection, celebration, and renewal as we welcome another year with open arms.

Rongoli Bihu is a popular festival celebrated in the Indian state of Assam. It is also known as Bohag Bihu or the Spring Festival, and it marks the beginning of the Assamese New Year. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervour by people of all ages. The festival is characterized by colourful decorations, traditional dances, and feasting. People decorate their homes with beautiful Rangolis made from colored rice powder, flowers, and other materials. They also wear new clothes and exchange gifts with friends and family.

One of the most important aspects of Rongoli Bihu is the traditional dance called Bihu. It is performed by both men and women in groups, accompanied by drums and other musical instruments. The dance symbolizes joy, happiness, and unity among people. Another important aspect of Rongoli Bihu is feasting. People prepare delicious traditional dishes like pitha (rice cakes), laru (sweet balls made from coconut), fish curry, etc., to share with their loved ones. In conclusion, Rongoli Bihu is a vibrant celebration that showcases the rich culture and traditions of Assam. It brings people together to celebrate new beginnings with joyous festivities that are sure to leave lasting memories for years to come.

By: Team SpicyReflection

By: Ms. Reema Gupta
(CA Intern – HO)

Women – The Red Rose

The blush, the fragrance and the beauty of the red rose are the best among all the flowers and that’s why its beauty can’t be described in words, you can only feel it, and similar to this a woman’s blush, her amazing mesmerized fragrance can be only felt by a person who can take care of her as a red rose flower. A red rose requires the heat of the sun, the nutrition of manure, the protection of thorns, the shower of water, the warmth of the soil and an open space to have fully blossomed, likewise, a woman needs a load of things to be grown up and cherished to her fullest.

She requires the heat of intimacy, the shower of love, the warmth of care, the manure of protection and the space of independence so that she can fly high to the sky without any boundaries. When a red rose grows up it has so many thorns itself so that no one can’t touch it without bearing the pain of thorns and likewise a woman has the thorns of anger, kittle and tantrums as she wants to be treated like a princess and acts like a child.

And finally, when the red rose flower blossoms to its fullest it presents a mesmerizing fragrance to its caretaker and likewise when a woman rises up to her fullest, she presents the fragrance of her elegance, beauty and devotion to the man, who fulfilled all her needs, who gives her the respect, the attention, the love and the care for which she is looking for.

So here is a small piece of poetry dedicated to all the sweet, spicy and beautiful women of this world:
To all the women, embrace your beauty;
Because you are 24*7 on duty,
To all the women, shout out loud;
Being a woman, feel that proud,
To all the mothers, sisters and daughters;
You all filled out your home with laughter,
To all the friends, girlfriends and wife’s;
Without you all man has no life,
To all the men, please make a promise to the divine;
That you will treat your woman like a queen.

Ms. Reshma Sohoni
(Station Manager – Ahmedabad)

Madhubani Painting

Madhubani Painting originated from Mithila from the state of Bihar. Madhubani art is a folk art painting a celebration of purity between Krishna & Radha and their composition carries the tradition of Madhubani painting. Whenever I look at Radha Krishna more than a worship I am fascinated with their expressions and that itself is a Utsav. This folk art is picture of parrot,peacock,dance, bansuri. These are the symbol of peace and rhythm of expressions. All together it creates a festival of village and animals.Villagers expressed their thoughts through images. In Madhubani painting Krishna has been drawn in many forms like Balkrishna/ Natkhat Krishna/ Guide Krishna.


Through this art we can feel villagers gathering,festivals, rituals and dance.These images are earthy yet vibrant and celebrates womanhood.These paintings are the Krishna’s tradition,joy which is handed over to the next generation. Looking at these images I feel these paintings should be always be on the wall instead of pages. These colours get mixed in the mud and the beauty of traditions enhances with a mature yet young combination. Flute of Krishna is the heart of many paintings. These pics are emotionally healing therapy and are lyrics of beautiful women with large and sharp eyes.


By: Raymond Henry (Manager – Ground Services)


Easter is a Christian festival celebrated worldwide every year to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Easter celebrations begin with Lent, which is a period of fasting and repentance for forty days before Easter Sunday. Christians believe that this period represents the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness.

It all begins on Good Friday. Good Friday is a significant day in the Christian calendar, observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. This day is considered holy by Christians worldwide who observe it through prayers, fasting, and attending church services. The events leading to Good Friday began with Jesus' arrest on Thursday night after sharing the Last Supper with his disciples.

He was tried by Jewish and Roman authorities, found guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to death by crucifixion. On Good Friday, Jesus was beaten, mocked, and forced to carry his cross to Golgotha where he was crucified alongside two criminals.He died on the cross at 3 pm and after his death, his body was placed in a tomb and guarded by Roman soldiers. On the third day, however, the tomb was found empty and Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others. This 3rd daywhen he resurrected is also known as Easter. The resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion is a central event in Christian theology. According to the Bible, Jesus was arrested, tried and sentenced to death by crucifixion for claiming to be the Son of God.

Easter symbolizes new beginnings, hope, and renewal of faith. It is a time for family gatherings, feasting, and exchanging gifts. Children participate in Easter egg hunts and enjoy chocolate bunnies as part of their celebration. For Christians, Easter marks the triumph of good over evil and life over death.

It reminds us that we should always have faith in God's love and mercy towards us. In conclusion, Easter is not just a religious holiday but it brings people together to celebrate their faith and values. It teaches us about love, forgiveness, and hope for a better future. God Bless You All !!

By: Vikas Poonia
(Deputy Manager – Ground Services)

Hanuman Jayanti

Hanuman Jayanti is an important Hindu festival celebrated in the honor of Lord Hanuman, who is one of the most revered deities in Hindu mythology. It falls on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Chaitra, which typically falls in late March or early April. This year, the full moon day of Chaitra month will fall on April 6.

Lord Hanuman is known for his immense strength, devotion, and loyalty to Lord Rama, one of the principal deities in Hinduism. Worshipping Lord Hanuman is said to protect people from evil and help emerge victorious. He is worshipped by millions of Hindus as a symbol of courage, strength, and selflessness. The celebrations begin early in the morning on Hanuman Jayanti as it is believed that the lord was born at sunrise.

Lord Hanuman is called the son of Vayu and is also thus referred to as Pawan Putra and Maruti Nandan which translate to son of Wind God. His other names are Sankatmochan and Dukhbhanjan as he is believed to help people get rid of their problems and sorrows. Hanuman was born to Anjana who was a cursed apsara. She was redeemed from the curse after giving birth to Hanuman. According to legend, Anjana and her husband Kesari prayed to Rudra for a child and by his direction, Vayu transferred his male energy to Anjana's womb and this is the reason Hanuman is known as the son of Vayu.

Hanuman devotees often apply a tilak of sindoor on their heads. There is a story behind it. As per a legend, when Lord Hanuman saw Sita Mata applying sindoor on her forehead, he asked her why she did it and she replied it was for long life of her husband. Lord Hanuman then smeared his entire body with sindoor to ensure immortality of Lord Rama.

Different names of Hanuman Jayanti
In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the day is called Hanuman Jayanthi and the celebrations last for 41 days starting with Chaitra Purnima and ending on the tenth day during Krishna Paksha in Vaishakha month. In Tamil Nadu, on the other hand, the day is called Hanumath Jayanthi and observed during Margashirsha Amavasya. In Karnataka, Hanuman Jayanti is known as Hanuman Vratam.

By: Wasim Akram Mollah
(Officer-Security – Ground Services)


Id-ul-fitr is an important religious festival celebrated by Muslims all over the world. It marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting and spiritual reflection. This festival is a joyous occasion that brings together family and friends to celebrate the end of a month-long period of self-discipline and devotion.

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims won't eat or drink during the hours of daylight. This is called fasting. Children are not expected to fast until they reach puberty, usually around the age of 14.

Ramadan remembers the month the Qur'an (the Muslim holy book) was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The actual night that the Qur'an was revealed is a night known as Lailut ul-Qadr ('The Night of Power').

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. The exact dates of Ramadan change every year. This is because Islam uses a calendar based on the cycles of the Moon.

Most Muslims fast between dawn and sunset. Fasting allows Muslims to devote themselves to their faith. It is thought to teach self-discipline and reminds them of the suffering of the poor. However, children, pregnant women, elderly people and those who are ill or travelling don't have to fast.

During Ramadan, it is common to have one meal (known as the suhoor), just before dawn and another (known as the iftar), directly after sunset.

Almost all Muslims try to give up bad habits during Ramadan. It is a time for prayer and good deeds. They will try to spend time with family and friends and help people in need.

Many Muslims will attempt to read the whole of the Qur'an at least once during Ramadan. They will also attend special services in Mosques during which the Qur'an is read.

Eid ul-Fitr- The end of Ramadan is marked by a big celebration called 'Eid ul-Fitr' (the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast).

Muslims are not only celebrating the end of fasting, but thanking Allah for the strength he gave them throughout the previous month.

Mosques hold special services and a special meal is eaten during daytime (the first daytime meal for a month).

They exchange gifts with each other and visit their relatives to seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings committed during the year. The day is also marked by feasting on traditional delicacies like biryani, kebabs, sweets, and fruits. It is customary for people to donate money or food items to the poor as a way of sharing their blessings. In conclusion, Id-ul-fitr is a significant festival that celebrates unity, forgiveness, and gratitude among Muslims worldwide. It symbolizes the end of hardships and struggles while bringing hope for a better future.

By: Bhaskar Borgohain
(Airport Manager – Guwahati)


Assam is one of the most picturesque states in northeast India. Its beauty is evident due to the lush green tea fields, mystic hills, wild forest, and sparkling Brahmaputra river. Bihu is the official state festival of Assam, which is celebrated thrice in a year. Bihu in Assam marks the three distinct phases of the farming calendar.

Bihu is a secular festival that is celebrated by people from all parts of Assam irrespective of caste creed or religious background. The first Bihu is known as the Rongali Bihu or Bohag Bihu, which is celebrated in the month of April. The second Bihu is known as Kati Bihu or Kongali Bihu, which is celebrated during the month of October and finally there is Magh Bihu or Bhogali Bihu, which is celebrated during the month of January.

The orchid flower, especially the kopou or Rhynchostylis retusa (also called foxtail orchid) , is a beloved, symbol of youthful love with all its yearning and madness and hopefulness, is almost synonymous with spring, the Assamese month of bohaag. This season brings with it, the festival of Bihu, and all the revelry of dance and music: The species is the state flower of Assam.

Assam is a fertile land surrounded by Blue Mountains and replenished by the mighty Brahmaputra River. The occupation of the people here is agriculture and the entire society is agrarian in nature. Bihu is basically a celebration of the change of the seasons. Each of the three Bihu celebrations marks an important phase in the farming calendar of Assam.

The Bohag Bihu, celebrated in the spring (usually mid-April), marks the commencement of the new year (first day of the Bohag or Baishakh month). Also known as Rangoli Bihu (from rang, meaning merry making and fun), it is accompanied by much dancing and singing. Bohag Bihu marks the beginning of seeding time.

It is a prime festival of Assam, but is widely celebrated across the nation. It is mainly associated with the agrarian society of the state and their culture, and it marks the start of the Assamese New Year as well as the harvest season. Celebrations are really fun and exciting in this festival.

Ms. Komal DatKhile
(Customer Service Executive – Mumbai)

A Journey to the Land of Lama's

We reached Delhi, crossing five states in three days,
And each state showed its glory in thousand different ways!

Red fort welcomed us and the history in my mind replayed,
And our journey continued as to Nagrota we headed!

Jammu was scenic, mesmerizing and clean,
And probably most dainty place I have been!

We sang along with nature its own beautiful song,
Best part of Srinagar was the tunnel around 5 Km long!

Dal Lake was so huge, perhaps largest lake I have ever seen,
And so beautiful it seemed as the water was so clean!

Weed production, and also it was decorated with fountains,
And the next in our journey we saw huge and huge mountains!

Comes here Sonmarg, with beauty so eye catching,
Admiring the play of clouds and through them sunrays passing!

Magnetic hill slowed us down, and it was admirable,
It is said that all vehicles slow down there, it isn't controllable!

Those mountains with no trees, but covered with grass,
And I was all numb by shock when we reached Drass!

We halted at Capt. Vickram Batra Transit Camp, not less than heaven for me,
Based on Capt. Vickram Batra's honour a brave martyr of our own country!

Each and everything related to Kargil War is kept secured in Kargil War Memorial,
The movie of Operation Vijay gave us Goosebumps for real!

On yeah 15 August, how can those memories fade?
The army band, the NCC cadets and the sound of parade!

We had performed laavni then, as so we did it heartly,
That it must have shown the audience each and every girl’s elegancy.

Major Rajat Khanna briefed us about how soldiers flight with all fears,
No care for themselves and no worry of life,that sure brought us all tears!

And when Col. Sonam Wangchuk comes and briefs about Kargil War hurdle,
How honoured that man is who received Vishishtha Sewa Medal!

What a journey, how memorable indeed,
Taught me so much, important things I need!

All I saw was the nature’s magnificent beauty,
And learned the life that soldiers live to complete their profound duty!

Mr. Sumit Sharma (Sr.CSE)– ATQ


They will laugh very hard they will pray!
How hard the situation is they will stay
Never leaves a chance to make fun 😉
Situation would be worse they'll not lose grip
That's beautiful bond 😍 is known as "Friendship"

Life has to pass but friendship never dies!
True friend’s never cheats if doubt give tries
Sharing laughs on remembering a long trip🛤️
Tripling on a bike 🚲 holding no fair grip 🏍️
That's perfect bond of dosti known as "Friendship"

Sometimes it comes to mind where that time fly
Memories 💕 do when comes often gives a cry
My friend may live long I always make this pray
Ture Friends are hidden treasure never lose away⭐
Perfect bond of friendship never break away 🤝🏻

🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻My Friends and beloved ones live long I always make this pray 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Appreciation All Around – Keep Up The Great Work!!

Click of the month

Customer Delight Moments & Celebrations at Airports

Happy Moments with passengers

Inauguration of Shillong

Holi Celebration


Fun Friday – Glimpses

Holi Celebration

Holi Celebration


Holi Celebration

Holi Celebration

Women’s Day Celebration


Customer Delight Moments

Holi Celebration at Airports

International Women's Day Celebration

Happy moment with the Legend Cricketers at Rajkot

Happy moments with the actress Ms. Nikita Dutta at Darbhanga

Recently we had great time with the Young and Talented cricketer Mr. Chirag Jani at Bhavnagar

Recently we were pleased to meet the actor Mr. Arbaaz Khan at Darbhanga😊

Recently we had some great time with the Social Media Influencer Mr. Gufran Ansari with us at Bhavnagar😊

Recently we had a with us the Former Chief Minister of Gujarat Mr. Vijay Rupani at Rajkot

Recently we had a with us Mr. Sonu Sood at Jaipur

Happy moments with the Royal Family of Rajkot H.H Thakore Saheb Mandhatasinhji at Rajkot

Happy Moment with the great actor Mr. Ashish Vidyarthi at CCU

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - March 2023 Edition

Mr. Madhu Daruru (Supervisor – Tirupati)

Winner of Most Liked Video Contest – March 2023 Edition

Team –Bagdogra

Winner of the Click of the Month Contest - March 2023 Edition

Mr. Abdul Haleem (GWL)

Just Laugh

Contributions By: Mr. Vishnu Ramesan (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Ms. Poonam Yadav (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Mr. Vikas Poonia (Dy. Manager – Ground Services), and Mr. Manish Tomar (Sr. Executive – ground Services)

Compiled and Presented By: Mr. Raymond Henry (Manager-Ground Services)

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (April 2023)

Motivational Videos


A Stone In The Road
The Obstacles In Your Path


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Please share your Ideas/Articles with us by 10th April 2023 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com