Contest Winners

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz – February 2024 Edition Winner of the Click of the Month Contest – February 2024 Edition

Ramadan: Embracing Spiritual Reflection, Compassion, and Community

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, holds profound significance for Muslims worldwide as a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and heightened devotion. As the holiest month in Islam, Ramadan carries a timeless message of compassion, generosity, and solidarity, celebrated through fasting, prayer, and acts of charity. The Message of Ramadan: Spiritual Reflection:Ramadan […]

Journey of the Dream to Fly

Till now we have studied about the three motions of aircraft. Lets quickly recap the controls and related motions here. The three movements are complimentary to each other to ensure flight of aircraft. Aircraft don’t fly in a straight line. They need to turn for desired routes and simultaneously change altitude and that’s where all […]